Verbrennen - nicht shreddern

Arthus-Reaktion, Serumkrankheit, Purpura Schönlein-Henoch, Lupus erythematodes, Farmerlunge, KĂ€serlunge, BĂ€ckerlunge, Staublunge, Raucherlunge, grĂŒne Lunge des Planeten, Nickel-Kontaktdermatitis, atopische Dermatitis, Kontaktdermatitis, Stevens-Johnson-Syndrom, chronisches Asthma, chronische allergische Rhinitis, Morbus Basedow, exogen-allergische Alveolitis, Depression, Paranoia, Sozialphobie, Messieanismus, Hikikomori und Antikapitalismus.
BeitrÀge: 548
Registriert: 29. Dezember 2010, 16:54

Verbrennen - nicht shreddern

Beitrag von adleritey »

Tja, selbst wenn ihr eure Dokumente shreddert, sind sie dank der punkte wiederherstellbar.
The U.S. Secret Service has been working with manufacturers of color laser printers to place tiny, imperceptible yellow dots on printed pages so that the government can track the machine that produced them. Good put the puzzle under a blue-light filter and saw the dots. “It was a breakthrough moment,” he says. “The pattern of dots is practically a map for how everything comes together.” ... 52011.html

a world not of my making — yet a world of my design
so strange — and so familiar, but no matter
how distant in time or space
one constant remain chaos.