A discordic mhysterical question

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Cpt. Bucky Saia
Warlord der Herzen|Warlord der Herzen|Warlady der Herzen
Beiträge: 6830
Registriert: 9. September 2010, 09:36
Disorganisation: Comapony Kabale, Starfish Cabal, Company, D.A.D.
Wohnort: eine alte Haunebu IV Flugscheibe

A discordic mhysterical question

Beitrag von Cpt. Bucky Saia »

In these strange times in which we live, characterized by the decay of its former order, it seems to me that Eris has thrown her apple again and, as once on Mount Olympus, concluded the last act of the first act. Stagnation of order has spread. A worldly order created by us. A stagnation that does not allow itself to be shaken without incurring the displeasure of those who defend this stagnation for themselves. This is a neophobic stagnation. Everything that is new, exciting, special or different is not allowed to be in this stagnation. It is the same kind of neophobic stagnation that we find in the ancient accounts of our most sacred books, the illuminatus trilogy. The same neophobic stagnation that gripped the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis. In the beginning, man was dull and spiritless. Stagnation of development had spread. The creative and destructive currents of order and disorder were in balance. It was a golden age. A time of timelessness that there was nothing and no one who had a concept of it. But this time of endless stagnation allowed no change. No invention was allowed, no change in spirit, no progress, no evolution. Everything was as it should be, as the goddesses had conceived it. But from the mindless dullness of this timeless stagnation, a being of the purest order once emerged and then the Sacred Chao began to rotate. A radiant golden giant in the glow of a glowing disk. The naked Archilles at the gates of Troy, emerging from the shadows not to begin a new age but to end the old. We Discordians call this being Gruad, but in the darkness of history man has given it many names.
It is always the same being that unites the forces of creative and destructive order and, like the Titans and gods themselves, strides across the earth to dispel the mists of ignorance and tear man from the lethargy of dullness.
Gruad himself waged war in Atlantis and in a final act of rebirth he destroyed Atlantis, itself signaling the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

In another, the Discordian holy book, the Illiad, we see the parallels. These are the 5 Phases that we Discordians know well enough. Chaos - Eris throws the apple at the wedding, the old order is broken by the golden apple of our Lady of Discord. Discord - the goddesses argue but come to no conclusion. Confusion - No solution is found. Bureaucracy - a solution is found by appointing the young Paris as a judge.
Aftermath - His election leads to the outbreak of the Trojan War.

But only one can end the stagnation of the Aftermath, the endless battles for Troy. And just as Gruad once walked through Atlantis and destroyed the old order, so now Archilles walks at the gates of Troy and prepares its downfall. Troy will fall, Troy must fall and Troy fall.
Both are recurring elements in the description of a cycle. Only a great hero can end the Aftermath in a final act of the radical forces of Chao. Just as the solar flare was for Gruad, we can see in the Trojan Horse a similar weapon of the forces of the end times. This is the final mechanism that causes the walls of cities to collapse. The recurring element in this cycle of Hodge and Podge.

The chao is in motion and the forces within it, the forces of order and disorder, the Hodge and the Podge, slosh back and forth in it like waves in a glass. And so it appears that at the peak of a wave of each rotation, when a force is at its strongest, it discharges and an avatar is born. A Shiva-like avatar who walks the world and destroys the old order in favor of a new creation.

What does that mean for us, dear Discordians?
Gruad is a being of immense power. For the discordo magical mhystericals it is the elementary force of radical transformation. He who brings the Age of Aftermath to an end, he who is equal parts Trojan Horse and Golden Apple. His presence is always brief but marked by radical and fundamental upheavals. He can help where radical changes are necessary. He can be summoned where there is stagnation and only with the destruction of everything that was can a new beginning be made. A blooming of the flower of chaos in the ashes of the Aftermath. But a magician should not summon him too carelessly, because the times in which we live show the signs of a time of aftermath and so it would not be surprising if Gruad decided to walk across our world again in order to sweep away the old order and stagnation and from its ashes Man will emerge purified and freed from old thinking in order to once again shape his future independently and freely.

Now the magician may, in order to summon Gruad, begin here with a ritual apple toss. This ritual throw must penetrate the old order, disrupt it, be a thorn in the side of the magician. This apple toss must be like an unresolved, tormenting, nagging problem. Under all circumstances it must be the impulse that disrupts an existing stagnant order.
It must be comparable to throwing a teddy bear into a bunch of children with the unmistakable message "This teddy is for the favorite child." Because the forces of discord, discord and strife unfold. The magician falls into a state of arguing with himself, just as children fight over the teddy bear. He literally tears himself apart and argues with each of these torn parts about who deserves the honor of taking the apple. There may be no agreement and, exhausted by the argument and the hopeless situation, he will slide into a state of deep confusion. It is this deep breath, the restorative embrace of absolute confusion, from which the idea of bureaucracy emerges. The plan needed to resolve the internal conflict.
Only another, outsider can solve the problem. A judge like Paris once did. It is completely irrelevant what his choice is, how competent he is, whether he is seduced by the faint whispers of promises of our shares. It's all about settling the dispute over the apple.
Discordians know a lot of good judges. The tarot, the dice of the dice oracle, it doesn't matter what the result is because the other parts will not accept the solution. yes, they may not accept them. You could even just flip a coin. Now the time of the Aftermath begins for the magician. A time in which he continues to tear himself apart. Argues with oneself, defends the old order and propagates a new order. His parts tear each other apart in pure irrational hatred for the sole reason that the other side still exists. At the height of this all-consuming conflict that seems to never end, Gruad appears. In a final act, equipped with the tool of destruction, he storms the magician's mental battlefield, tears down the walls of the old order, destroys every soldier the old order can send and will ultimately bring about the ultimate destruction of what has been.

The chaos magicians of this time know it similarly when people talk about jumping into the Abyss. But the truth is that magicians of all times have first torn themselves apart, shedding their old dogmas, conventions and habits in order to emerge from this process as a new and purified being. For us Discordians, Gruad is in this way a valuable ally of our new order

We find a similar principle in the transformative magic of the black butterfly. Here, too, we are practically entering into an internal conflict between our inner child, its wishes and needs, and ourselves as the shining light of rational thinking. Free of emotional judgment and willing to put an end to the old order. In this case, our adult self embodies that rationally acting, emotionally stable and therefore capable manifestation of Gruad. His weapon here is the embrace, acceptance and unconditional love of the inner child, which breaks through the walls of grief, despair and fear. The child itself is only symbolically destroyed because it is the manifestation of everything that the old symbolizes. We created it solely to suffer. An endless life of sadness, fear and despair. Rather, the magician integrates the child in this process, transforms him, takes away the horrors of his previous existence and releases him into a carefree freedom in which the old order no longer has any meaning.
In a way, this is nothing more than an invocation of Gruad on his aspects of the healing powers of annihilation.
"Wir sind nicht der Abschaum. Wir sind der schillernde, toxische Schleim der auf dem Abschaum schwimmt ..."
Seine Spektralität Cpt. Bucky "Saia" Sternentänzer
alias Papst Cerrynt Eiledol von Welodd alias Nede E Lym von Leng alias Baktus Paradonti alias Dr. Dromis Seth, Master Phool im Outer Space, (Mitbe)Gründer der Univers-City of Sockovia, Moonman Winter Dream, aus der dritten Vergangenheit, General Error der Invasionstruppen, Captain der ersten erisischen Kompanei westlich von Osten, Hüter des hailigen GNARV und anderer nutzloser Dinge, Dunkelelfischer Bischof von Betty, Vorstand der Company auf Lebenszeit, Ernenner des Fonsis auf Zeit, der während eines Bades ehrenhaft erleuchtete, Beschützer des rauchenden Orakels am Stiel, exzellenter Züchter der feinsten Flugaffen nördlich von Reykjavík, Eiliger Hailigenpfleger der Aktion 23, (Er)Finder des Starfish Mythos, Transluzenter Geheimniskrämer und unter der Hand Händler, Schieberkönig der Unwissenden, Verfasser von nicht geschriebenen Werken, autorisierter Verkäufer von "Das LichtTM" und "SeelenheilTM", eingeweihter Oberanti der D.A.D. sowie Pharao Hypothep alias Pharao Pontifex zu Popanz von Paranoia Panoptikum, Bürokrat im Büro für Zweckentfremdung, Anwender von Methoden, Knazler und freier Beratzer auf Schloß Gammelot in Mottrop´s Tradition, Vorsichtsratsaufstand im Konglomerat, Eidechsenkönig und Universalgott Nr. 5