Netzfundstück: The Book of (fnord)

"It was definitely murder - but was it art?"
Bwana Honolulu
Beiträge: 12201
Registriert: 8. September 2010, 10:10
Disorganisation: Aktion 23, Zimmer523, GEFGAEFHB, ddR, Fractal Cult, EHNIX, The ASSBUTT
Wohnort: leicht verschoben
Pronomen: er/ihm

Netzfundstück: The Book of (fnord)

Beitrag von Bwana Honolulu »

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MegaZone hat geschrieben:A Reading from the Book of (fnord)
  • item card 0:
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • the unnumbered item card (rumoured)
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 1: "you can die now"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 2: "clue"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 3: "no clue"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 4: "no clue w/bg job of clue"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item clue
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item fnord
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item paranoid
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item anti dis un not
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card as-nine-goes-to-infinity: "its a <insert here> thing, you just wouldn't understand"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/clueless: "append: equals fourty-two"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card prompt-->
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/256: "there's no cheese"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/128: "nej, nej, mustn't"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/64: "append: in bed"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/32: "append: from hell"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/16: "I -fuckin- QPdoll"
    usually found with
  • item card 9/32
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/8: "press the button while dosing"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/4: "oh well"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9/2: "it sucks to be you (stby)"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 5: "you are tripping"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 6: "it's just infinity"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 7: "the instructions for the bigger picture:
    1. 1.) cd reality
    2. 2.) cd ..
    3. the no, no, never do THIS step
    4. 5.) cd *.*
    5. "the kevin effect"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 8: "motivation"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 17/64: "eight, infinity, nine"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 17/32: "tap, tap, tap"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 17/24: "pester, pester, pester"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 17/16: "poke, poke, poke"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 17/8: "curse.gif"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 17/4: "lsd = Short Attention Spam"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 17/2: "stop badgering me"
    -From the book of (fnord)
  • item card 9: "obey me"
    -From the book of (fnord)
MegaZone hat geschrieben:The Book of (fnord) is a strange set of 'cards' created by a couple of my friends back in college. I felt it was weird enough to include here. As the great philosopher Joel Hodgson once said, "We don't ask 'Who will get this?', we say 'The right people will'."
Wenn ich schon der Affe bin, dann will ich der Affe sein, der dem Engel auf's Maul haut. XD
‒✴△♀ ✴ө△ʘ!
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