Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

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Beiträge: 169
Registriert: 9. Dezember 2010, 13:39

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von cRAwler23 »

Breaking The Taboo - Film

[BBvideo 560,390][/BBvideo]

1971 rief US-Präsident Richard Nixon, schockiert vom steigenden Heroinkonsum amerikanischer Soldaten in Vietnam, einen neuen “Staatsfeind Nummer Eins” aus: die illegalen Drogen. In den 40 folgenden Jahren versuchten die USA und viele ihrer politischen Partner, mit einem rigorosen War on Drugs das Problem auf die harte Tour zu lösen. Mit drakonischen Strafen, neuen Behörden und militärischen Aktionen in Kolumbien, Mexiko und Afghanistan wollten sie die Produktion von Heroin und Kokain schon im Ansatz stoppen und die Zahl der Abhängigen senken.

Die Erfolge dieser Drogenpolitik sind im Rückblick, da sind sich die meisten Experten einig, ernüchternd. In Kolumbien übernahmen die Farc-Guerrillas und die Kartelle ganze Bundesstaaten, in Brasilien kontrollieren Drogenringe die Favelas. In Mexiko hat die von Ex-Präsident Calderón ausgerufene Offensive gegen die Kartelle seit 2006 fast 50.000 Menschenleben gefordert. In Afghanistan entwickelt sich der Anbau von Mohnpflanzen zum einzig rentablen Geschäft für die Bauern – und treibt sie damit in die Hände der Taliban. Und in den USA? Hier hat die Kriminalisierung der Drogendelikte das größte Gefängnissystem der Welt geschaffen, das Jahr für Jahr Milliarden Dollar verschlingt. Während die Zahl der Drogenabhängigen und Opfer steigt.

Die einstündige Dokumentation Breaking the Taboo, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Global Commission on Drug Policy entstanden ist, beschreibt die Geschichte dieses erfolglosen Kampfes. Erzählt von Schauspieler Morgan Freeman und mit Interviews mit Drogenexperten und ehemaligen Staatschefs wie Bill Clinton oder dem Brasilianer Fernando Cardoso gespickt, begleiten die Macher jüngere politische Versuche, eine neue globale Drogenpolitik anzustoßen. Eine Politik, die nicht auf der Vernichtung und Verdrängung von Drogen basiert, sondern auf Legalisierung, Kontrolle, Aufklärung und Dialog mit den Abhängigen. Breaking the Taboo ist insgesamt eine gelungene Arbeit und gute Einführung in das Thema, die einzig in den letzten Minuten etwas sentimental wird.

(via Zeit)

Pro bzw. Contra (legale-)Drogen

“Breaking the Taboo”: Der falsche Drogenkrieg. Der gescheiterte, sinnloseste, und auf Dauer teuerste Krieg in der Menschheitsgeschichte. Dieser Film sollte Anschaupflicht für alle Politiker werden (die das natürlich schön ignorieren werden). Die heutige Kriminalität ist zum überwiegenden Teil die Folge dieser Drogenpolitik. Ich hoffe es gibt bald auch eine deutsche Version von dieser sehenswerten Doku!

Btw. mal ein paar Themen in diesem Bereich "drüben" in meinem kleinen, verstaubten Forum:

Ayahuasca, DMT und LSD
DMT – Das Molekül des Bewusstseins

Bin da immer an neuen Erkenntnissen aus Psychologie, Neurowissenschaften und eigenen Erfahrungen interessiert.
Zuletzt geändert von cRAwler23 am 19. Dezember 2012, 12:06, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 525
Registriert: 21. Dezember 2010, 03:38
Disorganisation: St Yogi Bear Cabal

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von LordCaramac »

Heißen Dung.
Bwana Honolulu
Beiträge: 12202
Registriert: 8. September 2010, 10:10
Disorganisation: Aktion 23, Zimmer523, GEFGAEFHB, ddR, Fractal Cult, EHNIX, The ASSBUTT
Wohnort: leicht verschoben
Pronomen: er/ihm

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Bwana Honolulu »

Wenn ich schon der Affe bin, dann will ich der Affe sein, der dem Engel auf's Maul haut. XD
‒✴△♀ ✴ө△ʘ!
Seine Quasarische Sphärizität, der Bwana Honolulu,
Überbefehlshabender des Selbstmordkommandos Ω,
Herrscher über alles, alles andere und wieder nichts,
Urgroßpapapapst und Metagottkaiser in Zimmer523,
Grand Admirakel der berittenen Marinekavallerie zur See,
Reichsminister für Popularpodicifikation,
Hüter des Heiligen Q.
Cpt. Bucky Saia
Warlord der Herzen|Warlord der Herzen|Warlady der Herzen
Beiträge: 6830
Registriert: 9. September 2010, 09:36
Disorganisation: Comapony Kabale, Starfish Cabal, Company, D.A.D.
Wohnort: eine alte Haunebu IV Flugscheibe

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Cpt. Bucky Saia »

"Wir sind nicht der Abschaum. Wir sind der schillernde, toxische Schleim der auf dem Abschaum schwimmt ..."
Seine Spektralität Cpt. Bucky "Saia" Sternentänzer
alias Papst Cerrynt Eiledol von Welodd alias Nede E Lym von Leng alias Baktus Paradonti alias Dr. Dromis Seth, Master Phool im Outer Space, (Mitbe)Gründer der Univers-City of Sockovia, Moonman Winter Dream, aus der dritten Vergangenheit, General Error der Invasionstruppen, Captain der ersten erisischen Kompanei westlich von Osten, Hüter des hailigen GNARV und anderer nutzloser Dinge, Dunkelelfischer Bischof von Betty, Vorstand der Company auf Lebenszeit, Ernenner des Fonsis auf Zeit, der während eines Bades ehrenhaft erleuchtete, Beschützer des rauchenden Orakels am Stiel, exzellenter Züchter der feinsten Flugaffen nördlich von Reykjavík, Eiliger Hailigenpfleger der Aktion 23, (Er)Finder des Starfish Mythos, Transluzenter Geheimniskrämer und unter der Hand Händler, Schieberkönig der Unwissenden, Verfasser von nicht geschriebenen Werken, autorisierter Verkäufer von "Das LichtTM" und "SeelenheilTM", eingeweihter Oberanti der D.A.D. sowie Pharao Hypothep alias Pharao Pontifex zu Popanz von Paranoia Panoptikum, Bürokrat im Büro für Zweckentfremdung, Anwender von Methoden, Knazler und freier Beratzer auf Schloß Gammelot in Mottrop´s Tradition, Vorsichtsratsaufstand im Konglomerat, Eidechsenkönig und Universalgott Nr. 5
Cpt. Bucky Saia
Warlord der Herzen|Warlord der Herzen|Warlady der Herzen
Beiträge: 6830
Registriert: 9. September 2010, 09:36
Disorganisation: Comapony Kabale, Starfish Cabal, Company, D.A.D.
Wohnort: eine alte Haunebu IV Flugscheibe

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Cpt. Bucky Saia »

ich pack das mal hier mit rein

Weniger Film eher Serie

Bruce Parry - die letzten Krieger

Echt gut hab ich 2006 schon gesehn. Bruce reist zu den letzten Urvölkern dieser Welt und lebt dort. Er unterzieht sich ihren initationsriten und letztendlich gipfelt es irgendwie immer darin das er sich mit der örtlich benutzten Droge berauscht. Natürlich in beisein eines Schamanen.
"Wir sind nicht der Abschaum. Wir sind der schillernde, toxische Schleim der auf dem Abschaum schwimmt ..."
Seine Spektralität Cpt. Bucky "Saia" Sternentänzer
alias Papst Cerrynt Eiledol von Welodd alias Nede E Lym von Leng alias Baktus Paradonti alias Dr. Dromis Seth, Master Phool im Outer Space, (Mitbe)Gründer der Univers-City of Sockovia, Moonman Winter Dream, aus der dritten Vergangenheit, General Error der Invasionstruppen, Captain der ersten erisischen Kompanei westlich von Osten, Hüter des hailigen GNARV und anderer nutzloser Dinge, Dunkelelfischer Bischof von Betty, Vorstand der Company auf Lebenszeit, Ernenner des Fonsis auf Zeit, der während eines Bades ehrenhaft erleuchtete, Beschützer des rauchenden Orakels am Stiel, exzellenter Züchter der feinsten Flugaffen nördlich von Reykjavík, Eiliger Hailigenpfleger der Aktion 23, (Er)Finder des Starfish Mythos, Transluzenter Geheimniskrämer und unter der Hand Händler, Schieberkönig der Unwissenden, Verfasser von nicht geschriebenen Werken, autorisierter Verkäufer von "Das LichtTM" und "SeelenheilTM", eingeweihter Oberanti der D.A.D. sowie Pharao Hypothep alias Pharao Pontifex zu Popanz von Paranoia Panoptikum, Bürokrat im Büro für Zweckentfremdung, Anwender von Methoden, Knazler und freier Beratzer auf Schloß Gammelot in Mottrop´s Tradition, Vorsichtsratsaufstand im Konglomerat, Eidechsenkönig und Universalgott Nr. 5
Bwana Honolulu
Beiträge: 12202
Registriert: 8. September 2010, 10:10
Disorganisation: Aktion 23, Zimmer523, GEFGAEFHB, ddR, Fractal Cult, EHNIX, The ASSBUTT
Wohnort: leicht verschoben
Pronomen: er/ihm

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Bwana Honolulu »

[BBvideo 640,390][/BBvideo]
Wenn ich schon der Affe bin, dann will ich der Affe sein, der dem Engel auf's Maul haut. XD
‒✴△♀ ✴ө△ʘ!
Seine Quasarische Sphärizität, der Bwana Honolulu,
Überbefehlshabender des Selbstmordkommandos Ω,
Herrscher über alles, alles andere und wieder nichts,
Urgroßpapapapst und Metagottkaiser in Zimmer523,
Grand Admirakel der berittenen Marinekavallerie zur See,
Reichsminister für Popularpodicifikation,
Hüter des Heiligen Q.
Bwana Honolulu
Beiträge: 12202
Registriert: 8. September 2010, 10:10
Disorganisation: Aktion 23, Zimmer523, GEFGAEFHB, ddR, Fractal Cult, EHNIX, The ASSBUTT
Wohnort: leicht verschoben
Pronomen: er/ihm

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Bwana Honolulu »

Ich schmeiss' das einfach mal so rein, weil's thematisch passt...
The Economist hat geschrieben:History of narcotics
Everyone did it

The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics, 1500-2000.

By Richard Davenport-Hines.

Weidenfeld & Nicolson; 480 pages; £20

“ABSOLUTE sobriety is not a natural or primary human state,” asserts Richard Davenport-Hines at the beginning of this voluminous and comprehensive history of drug-taking. The evidence he produces is overwhelming. For the past three centuries (he barely glances at the previous two), humanity has found ever more ingenious and effective routes to oblivion. Until the second half of the 19th century, governments made little serious effort to intervene.

Apart from the ubiquitous desire to get stoned, the other constant attribute of the past is hypocrisy. Narcotics, it emerges, have always been a passion mainly of the upper classes and the lower orders. The first group tends to grumble about the debauchery of the second. There, for instance, is Samuel Taylor Coleridge demanding “legislative interference” because he was shocked by the quantities of laudanum (opium in alcohol) sold by country druggists to the poor. Rather rich from a man whom Dorothy Wordsworth described as “the slave of stimulants”.

However, he was not alone. Every familiar name in British history, it seems from Mr Davenport-Hines's painstaking research, was swallowing, sniffing or (after the helpful invention of the hypodermic syringe) injecting something. George IV's “ungovernable” affection for laudanum (and cherry brandy) horrified the increasingly prim middle classes: he needed 100 drops of laudanum before he could face Lord Aberdeen, the foreign secretary. William Wilberforce, scourge of slavers, ascribed to opium his powers of public speaking. Wilkie Collins described in his novels how boredom and the social stigma of alcohol consumption drove wealthy Victorian women to share his addiction to laudanum.

Hypocrisy marked Britain's approach to the drug trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. In spite of the scruples felt by William Ewart Gladstone, that puritanical prime minister, who sipped laudanum before appearing in the House of Commons, great trading barons such as the founders of Jardine Matheson made fortunes from shipping opium to China. In the 1890s, the British government was still dithering over allowing its colonies to export drugs.

A greater hypocrisy has coloured the 20th century's approach, and especially that of the United States. America was quick to ban the sale and consumption of heroin and cocaine: by 1919, it had even banned maintenance prescriptions by doctors to suffering addicts, something that Britain long allowed. And, while the British government was deeply reluctant to outlaw hashish in the 1920s, America pushed through an international agreement to do so. But drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies escaped such treatment. Barbiturates became one of the century's most popular drugs. American troops in Vietnam were fed huge quantities of amphetamines, in order to stimulate their fighting zeal. When President Nixon came to the White House and launched a “war” on drugs, American pharmaceutical companies were producing 8 billion amphetamines a year. The 1972 Vienna convention, which constrains national drug policies, treated such stimulants and depressants far more lightly than heroin, cocaine and marijuana.

Mr Davenport-Hines's prejudices are firmly on the side of the liberalisers. “Drugs remain dangerous, but they can also be rewarding to both suppliers and users; accordingly they remain ineradicable,” he argues. In a few final paragraphs, he suggests some wiser policies than the harsh criminalisation of the past 30 years that has over-crowded prisons with narcotics offenders and manifestly failed to alter people's drug habits.

His book's main shortcoming is a lack of sign-posting, so that chapters often lack argument or form. Had he allowed the passion of his final argument to shape his account, he would have written an even better book.
Wenn ich schon der Affe bin, dann will ich der Affe sein, der dem Engel auf's Maul haut. XD
‒✴△♀ ✴ө△ʘ!
Seine Quasarische Sphärizität, der Bwana Honolulu,
Überbefehlshabender des Selbstmordkommandos Ω,
Herrscher über alles, alles andere und wieder nichts,
Urgroßpapapapst und Metagottkaiser in Zimmer523,
Grand Admirakel der berittenen Marinekavallerie zur See,
Reichsminister für Popularpodicifikation,
Hüter des Heiligen Q.
Phradi Haribo
Verteidiger des wahren Blödsinns|Verteidiger des wahren Blödsinns|Verteidigerin des wahren Blödsinns
Beiträge: 112
Registriert: 7. Januar 2017, 13:37
Disorganisation: L.F.A . / ..... . L.E.G. I .G.E.L.
Wohnort: Harwer bei Ubia

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Phradi Haribo »

u have never seen us, but you may have felt our wrath.
We operate in the bitter darkness outside the known channels. We slink like cats along the fringes, spreading the power and propaganda of the L.F.A. wherever we are.
We are the most secretive agents of that cult, xisting only to fight and die for Our Lady Of The D.
Ours are lives of total devotion to the forces of the L.F.A.
Ours are lives full of mr. natural powers rarely known by the general public.
We are the light of the light, and through our supernorman abilities and human loyalty we form the one xisting universe to pleasure the inauguration of doom´s most perfect and most deadly servants.

We have mastered, one and all, the power of tibbital chi; blood reigns; we have been deeply indoctrinated into its offensive capabilities, and we can strike, suddenly and mercilessly, without even moving a finger. Our minds, bodies, and black buddie´s keyboard are under our total control: our everlasting movement, thoughts and lemons are choreographed more perfectly than a classical ballet, and all have h.e.a.d.ly purposes. We are capable of furthering our true purpose to such a degree that it is no longer expressible in words. We have i-moons. We can strike out with such power as to humble out jams fences of anyways but the most kongruent masters of hau tu. Our hands contain the power and wisdom of the patience, our hearts thees unlinked vision. We do not want to be disturbed. We can take the harshest punishments of the fascist movement with a kink and her nod. So far as u want to know, we clipped die clops. (r.i.p. u.u) Our senses are extraordinarily accurate, capable of distinguishing between objects and subjects. Untrained m´bandus would call idloetzinn. We can drift by slack. We are at our own tzaddue to engine failure from lustre to lustre, and gain yet more power in the hours bitweed dust and dawn. We may be babies invisible at collages due to missing colors dawn hotre coffre, strange fruits in action. Take it or leave it, that´s life.

Our membership is as closely kept´n secret.
E.ach O.f F.arout e members has been through a torturous and brutal training process, occupying years of life, followed by trying something drastic in case of failure. Fatal just to the testees, the testers, the observers, and sometimes nearly innocent Ladyburgermaysters.

We are the tops of the flop, and our only mission, the kiss to witch
I a depp I \addr.chngd\illumin...undefind obj.\
´s add sense here, is the salvation and further intruthing of the Luile and the loerle of L.ohna F.romv A.lona. She was´nis the best, fog the rest.(sry, ..stine)

You will never see us, but you will feel our prescence.
We cannot be escaped, only checked out. We are all perverted.
We are the Dosen own e Hosen.
Our power can be learned

.I. C. ( N+l+P-E+F+T )
Zuletzt geändert von Phradi Haribo am 24. Januar 2017, 05:31, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
AG Ligaz Jap Horses
D.A.CH.S Movement
Two mAddi Treingst
Bug Dat Gaia Sol III
St. Marconi Clowns
H´ Einfältige Läuterung
Phradi Haribo
Verteidiger des wahren Blödsinns|Verteidiger des wahren Blödsinns|Verteidigerin des wahren Blödsinns
Beiträge: 112
Registriert: 7. Januar 2017, 13:37
Disorganisation: L.F.A . / ..... . L.E.G. I .G.E.L.
Wohnort: Harwer bei Ubia

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Phradi Haribo »

Aus der Müllhalde, zum Thema Mißbrauch insbesonders der Pressefreiheit imho gerade z.Zt. noch, wieder, auch, nebenbei und
nebenher diskussionswürdig.

Ferie an Viereck für morning news im international

r 150110 sd trsC505 I inch i by tTihjam Blake. fn a the oil runa of to B i bet COoke 4 rXfr IriTnUrd Bt bnuad r-r Os.be-ntt Ih Property of W. m w Ki. 11. Rumril t-rrnrr. Lnuniniton Spa fire Fmc. sri Vaeit Edition f the rrk aa l Latin tb Arircwof th i IiInO015 1551 lylnswoa Enoa a protfitil tit Robert ye 15110 a Snp n I opy f J M Wurkit. l l the P100 and Third Pelt. Jii of sbaknwar- ffl t an IPel lade V1ttMB4 54 Mumhrthaa l rah wi banyan PUcm Pn i A Thin I Jlliito 1419 The r-Md 1 TV wmnan. Itol Fsmnii Onwr Ktaryxa l 5 a act I Ib SePOeIIcst Macafne. 17901910 A tat. hr 14. Aiken 5155551 ltantpeo and AncV IluuN V tb bat ItInso Puhlnunot he The Ithnnmatnl Minn TU cwnprt lIrwoth and Kith e ii lb. X\ 11 tItselIlny nod a IsV isette of Sim ftsor Srrrlre Bell of tb a m tvnnL The T romprv l etten from It the Maa of J. W. Fw hnH. K 151 tvrill Ito ti SMer sod N w f tn We1f i4T. I- l. 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UN MK Tl KxlAV a l UCHNT DAY. AWJ In Sad OtIs. Itisser the MI of S and p.m. The Auvth rJTa will arrange tot conveyance t r the 27 and 135 tram at I a Cle . ry tapun or day seC isle Sytsoog lu rab th h sad 6 4 sat sal god IcuM r.e.ls-etleect lain. cement. I bed Auttan 0151 littale UAcea. Cacua Qfl Somer et. a i utkli rrrif rRT. UUtEKTOX tilar mitrt fn m lAVLiTOCE. DEVO 1 KH1KK Important 9415 of srKPll MODEXN sod TALC. AtIlk AsrIldiC yLRslUtSos n rtsoteeie VAitoenIal. Is very lee i tuw. Lthleo chain onIaslIsln .se not tn dsneto. Stat chum Sod rhfnu. I. irandfatber duck Sill Vaithtt cut table gist. M S painting and 000055150. fully dej nbrd In tint jttfit of th AnrtJ jne Ta tb lU l Qe Ta oct. 1 and caOH feL3 hew. teas faestrd with iuatmrUona from Hr ErioslI Uiw hnJ U 9511 thcabn 55 tar PIous. ut Xueadaf Aiml l Ub H TO ORIsON. In the Bottle. of North Ilk an t l t1aaieensglt. i SStlleO Istosoonlb tat and WrMC l o KU MM teeth on th man lu of tb Great iem Railway. 1' iclt from tiara Brldce. on the kssca. 1.01,1st Branch Lot 551 tibt-n4 sgSolno tor talon lIens Pte-e.n'oih A Iahle d tr hl FRrTimiD RE31T1I5ThI. a Atbbl LrlKl TATE. with ev UenJ tlcretkefl. known a- The M11KTCOHBB TA1T tnetudmK U sad plrMntly ituated r steno- pcopyieo S seeIOIed pu KtOB amidnt exm bM- ally beautiful natural rortstiOdUsgn. slbpsstohe1 by kko rmwi doborM tsP entrant of wbirb 11 lSfiultSl re. rieooeaeeet ta limT ail rot'S wh rmin ti.tsisetsI pcnd hkCbJyp uurti wallnt hif hti ostIoo oretesfod In temcc w trn sod ttttsebso. three OStiSOe wtd polnIore Valuable awl matured tunt r trvea IS ISO Se an l plOetthssil and dotttoI d o er tb at seetol tlUKfry of botWtnc Btoue. wed rich old meadow tanl. fedinc taloore. sod esod arable tend all ndaiaJ wolsnl wttb watm. the shale enbsnoag fill area. . lsiarr Jn d M psils macp tee Ins 54 an WaIte MO satlal and estimated serIal vt UNM Loll Wii be offered for LIE hI ATXTIOX la OB W H. ANtIREW and SOS. It tsOhusoOeeSl 54. i. l Mr. JOHN ty Prtncetw-Miiare. PlTmoufn. s Thunday. the LOtS eLi til April. 1 1 at S oYtoct lo the afternoon Varaut pnwaaiva of th eslire pMf rlf ItoenpI two of ta e& U r l can b UW t Once. Printed pi with plan sod condition of may be- obtained of Ill. Lssesilstteted. It PnnraM- nare. Plysecaith of Mr. JoIn. May 8urv nr and AKtiuneer t nta Brent. P. tt I eion or f rIras WOOlXfUMBB sad YONliE. r Plymouth- ? tIc. of tb Tnatee of tb bit W. tir- sad fit 155 Ut Ashes H-C. J sod ABELTUOLIT. la the ctttrB iua 441511100 VaTUy of ery L04sohln rOFNTRY BEPli ESCra. Many El Ueo UIXF1 FAK1M aryu Ion ta MI 4015. tab wtUValuaiM Ftttua Lttenilre WOODrASDrt PM It. uMrrr\irls ttt LU r Nri UM would Is14 we seen of a 5WHJ ACRE,14. EHlPFSriK ud LA5W. LLANtUI 110145. near to Ai itavcnnr Lt iiK an area of 30 AtKta 1. ID 92 S31I4i1J14. whkh Mew XEWLAXD iraXT & WILLIA3I3 ha hed Inpoetteot to offer lose PALE by ACO t1cu31 to ouatetwea kits. a th 4rren Uimeua Hotel. UOrolisebI. 00 Hatlaeauay awdliiui ls. lest 14Ui ob l th. mi nlaTn nuy I' obtained of M i. l1Nan LA KkS fc. HolKi or Sewoct. 3d on or otUM Auctioneers PRIZE COURT SALES. BrOEDEKarwl frr ArifHNY f th VAR5HAlof th AtlSetIStlIY a i lTie CVnr TX r SOIJ by rtBIli AteIiCI tb Inn . 1 toitrt t4ri. IMlnrn. Voo TSitaSeY lWliApittiiH9ai e IT--HT 1541 SN. N KI VU. S1TFD PTtTEIt AN MAKtiARETA. na0 18 ift anrnz. f.T- Plow 510110151 I Km. e hhr POrhJo Han. lea. ScnthSACe. Halltfa CUM t-rseeaon To t J. U. IlK Pniviikc. ruManafullpaKirulanaBaf hebvd on vnilkMiMi lo tL lIOeee1ne Ihatai Inwof JIotH f to th Aw I.e. and Son I tu2 K Irur-etieet. tovent-carvm. l adn. 0 C FOR AUCTION SUMMARY OF. PROPERTY FURNITURE WORKS OF ART. AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS SEE PAGE 23. PlhotI sad FttbU be l by THB- Tnttri sad J rbu Mrard In th partaa of lit. A lb. 011 56 Lcuduo i-C Zdo flfl 1 1' l. RIAV I i n O rn A 1tWI t. lASthOM 4ItlOn& EId d I. I I wS flIlnflnWk i4 4 Iktotupdai tittltflIt pttT Avrt 4ntn n ts SuIThdI h I op nftItynd tb Laylx KsdtaS I flS I srid Aa unuawnb thati fltIi JInt t enw jUt otlt nao MLUJ Sad- AIfl1i4I1flU 4 k ta I b t1tt AVP1IjTlV l itt. 0 lIt JV4IP I. I jLuatt rn the tnMInt NflSfln j h ttt4ott Iktj tjPt. 4 h. tU. t. j Aj l lj at I' 4th. ft4rgnoUaatl.toa I flnflt In ke jl..n bufr o It e jt thtd 1h n..r7 jd tSt. tbjabq. matnn s n and U. ttha a to 3 A nhny tnnt lit Uj rti. n4 H. Id. m t t tnl 4njPdtLn bonnjh 4 tttinjtt U. be A4mttgttntlt watt 4 lttdn jj j tth nUnn r to. In4 onnUy U. n. Isek j. 24 I tfl afl mtnlntnt P01St IM1J t t nsda .ntU.WflIeT- t inttfnn T514. j..t.- ttn 4 to 4141 I tnjnc tIan. i mtKanI taIMJn St a ItAt uljett the ftwlae 4 IwumS sejae mtjtut tuft rtwsnw thnettA wttttSteTtV ijTflhIOtt 4 3UOVtOO 4 eetktehe4enjje jUj ehnS It jthfl the tetnnnv t. nd tt ennntot n hr notractia IflaMtflLtte 24 tsar 4 the 4t ttnh4 a..a fld bOtk to Uts. srh ItflatKt 1 t. if fltL MibS Stain. SSStS. ttt5tS. at c1nsna4oaa Sod Utha WE SS SLaY lit Defl * mtat te4e. nb n hel S. tt t elk I1WSn t4 I QtfljdjO to tj b. tatoon nhnj tntnt be not. St SIet a4 tat I Ie- 4 tt heUt ttOIo Ato let I ec 41 1k' ( ULL0OStt. 1st MICD ttilict tflVW tS A is a. wa Itnnnmn e esneUsest. 54 n is so toot tie Int Ia gAin Sweat I InflIMuLlat LuJdtACtO wta etctttix IACntO. LIne t Ut I 14 tKfla be as asia 1Itt U tO A' 5 e tjnkt Ie Itnt. tJsjsntOtUttMtuQ A. LMJe1 uttflwMt g emtetn cetjj jj4 I. U. b tb tjtcq 6 regent. olhnwse tntnfrrt wth nun let- InsAr. ubnyg Is flnt In rttIn eaten. 4Ien tfltflPtr. ptnjijn InasLc S254 lidrs4Sc wn I C tWZ SVPflt1 t StaS. 4 rtthere m. temper to penUtese PT on gre4 lesto btt4Ojgj. Ien en OWen Utfltfl 524 fl Its. WSVT Of OUt 1W ShUt ISA Itt Itote InOted tSAnJ toM p1015 ftC SIt tSAflSt e4 the Iglnjhet 4 es4 ethn ptolenn. n.e-etg.I th the S IIpeSAt S t ttgiashsltetag bne IsInteOl 54 SAn osIhest eIgA tlI4jn tan 1I. UOWSOS SPPneSt. leg the vhent Iit LMt ISM. baSsist. ISAta CUISStIflSS A nlnslnt h. SI I-as I ninntvdy WIhug lentil aa41ie4 to tSo 1j eon Al tten lInen.- benLeL nsnnjjg-ioen It t. leAst STet tOSnttIlCtS4I. 15g thnet4. 0 tjjtSt ttntO tilt tacenat to len e eGal pTnsat flPOflt' MUaIILta 4 j4tt apttSWI us rtw4 4 otis tie rolemeni 14 2 14 o I Sr OUt UsaPSIlY IC t.-att 1igti tatiInOt 1tig. n4j. en. t040T. IOIn PjIn. wimaMb.- I. the owe tsa4 to enter Into tent airy oils edat tntrents enisep said Sflotittoenla tot Ut Weth 1teCto tsle msmnaat ci the ntedst 01W tiC nh. tied amta ntpInPflMjOO i Iltj1gSa1 leStWr Itleig WetThtes ttI.- late to4n niIl O1ttn. p. e ogeI so 4 i Ioidot gltie tIu e At 1. Ittoiwoy aIM I tot 4 t914 the tinotil tgietgl se ot the loo- lean. 04 the teninrele t1 OStit teItlig tgh toe e by lIT 03 bledg I I ta2lfl the It totulaup 5 by aSt OO tatle C leel gntieen4 yteetreg- preoreta. lSAhb 0 b Ioa heot t till. ot shell atntoorn C ; tOpj Inptal I 5 shell Ceopeny. to. le ntbelta fj egygay li I in4 Iee I-at ettoIed LoinAn. panwm dlofltreInewk to lentil hg Jell n eg dbrntoee be eattal S. the SI Sties I WI oi tegellotSe ef tnltnbto lab ham com as S the nthtICnOIttSOt ta : 4 I. Ion I a4l 101 Ott titb Iattt IoU eanUUano IbeaIItdot ulsil I I t nhe leAnt aereC 4. erytitater I. I 40th I fidetI In. onyletiltofinthrof lbepeenheolU Log-Inn Uerua FSiren thO Ut I 1yt. IIICetSOT it. tnmay In o.t-b I eel. 0 ft tterCbt ti 45ged lCW. lisa tWllflrlt P last. lea Vte lute fie Oyye tiotnOnged I be en Sal luteS te to. in 1IretreI Rotlatig laeyrejgebn-k ti f tnnnSA-o'I 51 Inter ld Ovtii I I. tb IftiT tIttny titlOfICO LlepejeibCOfit Lalott Pig-lets Rollany Ai tt ibiD jj tttta ntis. teleenlea tleiisfl e Ott t1ttniMt TiI4tIlflVlY ltttttnt tactile On tke h tin be lit I Up eeran i OS lete t1t totgotl I 13. colts tie I Its peenenoel lytpedsel 10 the Is hI.-b eIet I I. tsI4lelp. aieere. tsptsengleeg tthe Ce.ee- lot tiger to potty See II ore- sr etoh twyrd heel Inn plienbie. 4 oeeepwet. eeeeissent he flee isayegn tioseeree I neosIsdeetler AL IMo. to my slejemgconflnrtkssaid the stint ini went. tepoi to 1 SiC lIst en14 t ItOh 15514 capita set say fried. of fle5 wet hnteteet of dkeiclewle So 55 huyreloehtICdctsedoel etost tlecllsItInny rtmSce 4 It-I. lid. I of 1914 teeca entities. the 4tgepoten ye I c-bIer Is taI stTgeet tnenoi sm stOat Tsev1 It I losneentase a the sun of sltroeteeet- rig seeI to- peecetI Os.- slteyeeeeinl SHin eon stt Cite seteweIon ut souse. C 4 tt. Act i-i Ie. sced nAie 4 4 the let eel II41 tetteinr to tar nsh4 sweet see thee to men It est hedISIeIt 41 lhc5tshesv to eteoits darn. 4404. ntiwt delntunn. msrpaws tsp r riniretla tot 4 ygeihigs. ItO Iotemt 91aOa. tile SaeSInL etc the cyefte 4Areeeeee set mr teAl r1113tf tIOSetS tot Sin dinah otspliee its eOIge to So It td. oIttet. tMeo lIst-k. sts.we. ITSsfltfl 0 other vrjtIe fril Sheomny asal to toel-plrt stilt I etInmot flee nt ieneetsp tO- alter I. I I li-eec .1 ye 5It tsr-hod teen.- tote tsp 0 Ill sfruflV5 the peete tt5iPelIt. sell to tee our rst At arflesCeeflet 01111 Oil hO tsfni IsI r I , hiss hemftesjet Ant. as Ski-I I 1 ettofce to rekeeseo II i I a ties e I lt T. ets ale lie II5fIfly 55 tI let. tssed noes eel the Abet te4 so erec Isa nod I. t Os Wane 0 m4 nZterttnte with T5541t 5 1 se thnneee4oeieeeefl r. i ir ehne aS5t5OOCIl it eteittetttd eel he t esenev of I t I eseesflflr VOegotIOIf ie tile Ictutsee I t 199 I e1 - l Is e this. owl tier ste I II lsllsrttIeSel eltidltielOehtOeeInf Ai so- Ae tflItflr 55 tile n the It Inn. I. I. CR ii ? Me or Ce SsiIUIt. I. e e tIc. 4 I It' sIeei 5 etit rOcetsetay the I I I errS u' ieinea. On I I srnl a I' 15 51 allIs let Ito st I I I anrit remus eel itt. I V itt5Wj se p' nre- trtetiiliC tetOtseoIfls I ni I etnI itt-es nl Ce. I tis Sell reete-Ieet Sb 1u Cs- tlss. leeg ttia bee note p i-b III sIi. 4 tI. eIelAof I to I i-II I IC. ear. eheee 3m fltflhlst ot In 5-- I. i. .s- Anenel- floe dl I. Ste .e- | teAteint f1iatese. that etersttuhlsthegei soar sit tt-- eerie in hereceeoq Is. lire rflsisee sad bane Is Ik. 05 I SOY teinteefet e fr- i 9t ceel the eooue 51 out he Click Ito 5k its- 5' .s-- I .no sit hr tic- fl. used hsie c lse- t oleoll teot Ce. nl is. Iilste t sf1 sO. 1 ty tee- s 4 Ieocteseko 4 wee med sheet. eec 5 IIC at St.- eel tsr Intl. ha eeenlIInhI i-i I Oe t.-rsee.t of n spet tt p bee rm 4 pee s 559 uO1y9etyto eel Iste-eot Os eli 4W aortas S eel ion eeend eICIIDhRTI is ttlh it the teynepe wet tie I saA tui.tte- itei t5r v lb. thOtni ftIlnV S wetwent. lit' ltsl u.n. otid h eAter m ci nnIsnig oent. owe irelee. lioslIso 0'- It sot Other C eeq - , t Son sept5 u N WeeereIeti 5 he- 0i5tfl so'e 9 ylot nba tsnt3tt sa S. I triit a t t' on t en. a ti-nItq tel not mist flilUtetet It losed 0 tt Of eliec 555 0 tesot I the's these trettaet I sd .e- ob petetmer the tot 4dgeUtt gil-b 0 1rte1 tnttn4 to it 4 Sn it I. tod tt Ieoto. p. thet sot eeeo he1 4 I. ccIocsr jhtte be one- er I OIS1 tin tIC 5fll4Ite5tO if 0 t t 4 So PtlnOP tltic-b aye OflIC It NIP PintsS tel I SCIs fetctwet thritteneendl retUtl Is en. at ettsoaoI elseltis petetler. A mitts abet tt InCeI ce tbb-t. of f l 40. snil sItmf ethIC PIstil all ICIeeIkal thee C WoOer ft e btmeernei4. 55. nnepoieeennto eel the lo Act. the- stetowahet tIsenC Ad. ILl. lee 1091 rho htnsleitn 5 tni t-stolIels.&id Leo laldI. ned the 11155 tInter 11614. n15a strIng Petyni ui If wee be. ettert iii IC mesa P eo peet o. d r. tWe koJIoO Ac 1410 40 hell. Ito- Len Ion EIctehe COlIC. ule3is41ri n Ant 1913. CII sed Eertb w Taito pli' Alt. lent tee 5uIn5sI IIUtIinOtUeIee l. I hint twill. is beerl. s cite. toot we tt I the A 4yej dalin4. rstee Set I atteeo sties I tnf tat Isss htsegteen tie I v.l. tth the shn nail wiettet teeperel Se Iso ttanIegI hue It. eestitield fr. ete I. weott then he .sq ncoop sIlls 5 0 en let 550 enti4 wit be teqolteel I pillS t-ICCO lit test helOtS. Ios. 4 the creeper esitfl SM m- SCJ to. 4 See-It Ott I 4 I. vas15ee1O I ettr ash tee fat leer 4 tI. Iso' It telay lotedon ho. nAis. ems 5 the 4 theeSLS Ieetsh tefylfitee 10015cC wilt st.tat lii owl eI1eeteltst 4 Ysoteeuneteee 03km S lit I' I st. R teffoell the 1919. pssInh egeese the Intesici At 4111w II. 4 tlse Ilage 4 5 inOflWte liatet tte tSar-b letil. blisrItAul t. 41. otteI. Wrest colette. W. See. Cild tlnsalsetoert RC leedrCbstet Into I 1fwiOTeHlt I C thIn saeel I lr cit leopeooel Asencleoyet It. tO0. Senile. 0 betel,1 flee-el teed till end other ret ijtsMe tsirno tee dflenet tnjeet list' 14ey of hSlttdiIFilt 5FleEltALelkelfrCb X 111511th llthW9 I tesiltI Eli t t4 It. te.isIt- tee. cut t.tee I Hssl lIst I it sloma-eei wts. tIsel on tic dl ltoetl lrseetfttcghnry lisp e eq lisgc tsecst of t..e nm lb me Gactefu I resesiel U. I ph eosll en ft ti-f lit of In tee enhe-eegeeetl lit 1911. to. Sal I ella. toete If ossousg l Is- uSIng deelisSitIet tspstetIl tin. oaths. ll nles. tsr , tut tassel I con to l4rstsstcl tic Irma. I I 0 I 155151 lisle 29th deto I 311Is Btlti 3 IleilIsosto. It. I t 550 MaIM ci the 1llltyflItisA AcT lA5tieonl tIc SlattetoiUirtdtKl I 4611151 lesi Issltoi tietel. I. IIcer4T I Ihet kic tltllslTsIls4 Sf the tittd slum I leol ten j ltut the I 11151 IlsetOn. igiiolatsetn. I iTtkelSTt Olin I rlsiea thy firSt I iii * lInitI1JaiO I 911105 16 I I I Is fr-eec I - I dp nor. tiler St tent lItre ted plost 55 shall IemOohtfld 1 notice. carheli0i I tIC tenet' I deeoen oat I 9th 1919 A 45 tesu-.cbaerh trCJ1 I tig-thIatot I el4p59) floih I N 31RT DleeIslo. Jsaiec- toni. pool. iIICnteeiedieenl the I tel IllS 1ststIt 1mm ulsteItcel CI the snI AIlROh lti OIttoist rio-iritcestlo.t teeene-l tee sAstoteteet toil ill ree1ltttlitn tin do ci letlI ci retinA the. Plasm a blot flee A CCCI the oeeenest to Pan theA eihsreof thee sdeerlote4 iytl A eta. 9. e I Alt essi I to let I I et I the Ittlhmt tent A tnt Ise tIc 34ednnidse gob han of I 34Ih Menttt Ec I i ebslemse Inc the I lnte tt tuibhet tie. tt 1919. I I tttfsee lb. dAts' TO31It11V7IR I Oh I I Noteee re bTllITOII ond iSteVCitsfio estheteS the I tO SAl TOHA ot WooItenIl 1st Wottnnti-lItsnee 45 IcIcle. tOt4 I sf0 the 5 febale Iii. Mtitwt onft 1et19 iomnntd I I tb-s l It lLbt leek i rqnlnnd I' I retain 04 Ill the Iso tO the do. nose. I I the they I Is. ognit. aid n set thnnd 5 ha..e- fi I bseeehateosoe. 3isetel tboashduooihIowh LUIUj31UII I oakS oauteto. T ttrleits ICIRRI1Is lWik6 BRhlSh I 14 II LtILttotO tool. io2 A lii I hr lAte. leOlIse I. leytfieneter sleet till treason I Ii. FSTITE eIAIllIt tiOitfrG61lt I kARIttdFM IIILITXGltiiti Thus WrIIreoee I I Reset SwIPe died II. Sessineintee joIst tit The who. I peotot the lb. I I eel the I I 1010 tie. I the I See osh I SoIl fist I e- tole. I neatsin the sat I ettetd I te.-olIWn ehili then bane hi nsicee Ill lellRO55 en lest I"- E1s t I etesleitas hy the Rtteet- R ELILIIIYrIl LIsetflt. lieecyttel Psie-.astthi I ti the ltiutt 13 ccl 2t VIOl. Co h e I1REIIITllt bsrln000r tie dreasots tciflt sf t1leWl 4 I tell. leSAnc Pe-OtII 105505 1151 2u1b is Beet thrtreetesp tensed se nced tbtsIscn tletltll t5ttt iit ietstpn lit 1919 Ttet .0 Is the at 4rengd tojgois no 011 Istm 051 dlnheslnof wish lOt taiI I told we intPa t. 5O OosetO 41 Poet S. eItnietol In flee retwet or tee of smote dereOtun 110' PhIfell leg hod 1ttMdthitbdcot9tna 11119 I SeflsIihhfrtlIfr hlLIL A 1d5ullisItE I I 11 0 itO 5. tlspttasflet Jo E lelilettait. lcg theOsIiI frttuitsmn. flit lit1ihil. WLlsl tdbMl5tY lienlt1 ftlteesit I. istltiote lit 4 lt5eelilltttdOiOI it h555011d151e1t95t IIS floe 319 I TItcit 4 hI IT 5110 hr St tlstslileiIhftttnesathY Id t. hIsostasius sets eiW1 yes laceedoy tuc In of st Ii erudie S It the lineososfl I I tesid tee-Slots 1 l9b it n h I 1 un i 13 J5lriidOtOet I PUEt5t3tlelEi sAStiIiEtlelTleAt A5l I I C4I tel Thi ITch SrI IAeMlhfrt tenAnt. I IpOSSstsI Stetyt. tnn10a B I tiled et I Atttl ItIS S fr1RO. I te 1531 lit let teItt I. 1. nO-c000ty S et..Jiioe- 011 tIle I llt5llES I I 5 I- Sttttts I peat-I wet gee I tie' oh l11loatMinyoq sleJfin teseee1lletulenriy 5:11 red to dittuiit Ire I sate the ti I to- asses I eioul hineS tilt 4i 1919. I El 1151 Roam boouditee. itfee 1 I j II let Oieo te lest ct I 1' tl set 11501 0 I ltItd lit IatIC sill he I t 1ts \ rOil tfitOtit5t late. I Ieolsst IIIt lIIlssliscns Ii- IUI slAt-il 1911 Isled lint C'51 Id"I it IICt I It C 1051 Ii' 1913 lelJvlfl. I 61 It Lisp ntepsa-eo I Into MfrIflcu. IttiliTe 1114 fill 0 inscIem 6 t-h 12 .doc lee. tin lie hln Uof I lies lens 5tfllasn tie I tist sue estee flItows toll tseUnifn ol theta I 14 ettsth Is. I AsciI tIll. el el 91nh loll. I tIqatatsee P11 e05ltAXiflS SF14 telad 11111 hilfVEft I utllrt lsITtttl osmot 119 ltti St0OOt leIsesIoe tie 11th lfAisnls tnl nIleenri. pr tstr t else a St I ti- lessy to lspg it laItleteUt SI no ho niChe till lee nit sot troop I tethetSn t oni pise 005051511 tinitlet be I lit 35rtCsIsls tceeni eli at is. ltIfOEl 11151 9 Rh 13111. Iue5ec. Itiortle Thellmenooly 1 34. tel tsnptemwe& etianses 51:1 Ills. * EdseisIsenel tpktnetI I bI 1Lti 10 pi d T l 104. I. fSb Ii pilI.k-nitiIht 61tt LI 1. ld I lIt 1 iz5'.1 0e11. . , rp1e.a-os' be. 64 0L Ii. Id. p5555 luosothtti I. 0. Sd. Toni tsIItlitl I I 3k l. I. Id It talpIPeoisti l Id. Sn. I 0otlso si e 11. Ahd. l7n I. I. ho peysbls 71. onc. tttltlI fhe" 1oxTh1oN sf I joxtsti llttt. 05 tIlt Oboe. iissleensv be the teIs5O ISle ouslard fit mit-lu 5tnInaITh1t11 tIteOIIPteet 0 11. toO trw tot lilt. b l flpnIaLlsss 04 the- Mist. Ye the llAleK 4 MIASITHLtL FthsncsI AanwoI Lb. I toeeeemento la Dorilolor of C19L1ti. Monfist 6. ThfOalO1tC1Ilt. L I' lot A5iii. 1911. TTRLAI. l54SlhilO. d tOi55t lit Oltlrd dot tot iflol Ills nIt IsseeOnIiIIOO Is abs. Ist. It 1411 Writ tIne- us. lot esamustIta lei. At IotA. 1EIL3AI. Iel TFsIrT sf O ste JlNIltO I IllS isecCtlfTLULN hi sd 34I Iietbeebnieej tei' Ic toO. tAn T 061105 01 I let doe 11151. leoeteel PAhrflleL tileyattsn telot lIt Ct. thtefe elenr 45 lot eeySafll9e5. 31u1fllttl tel.eO 3.0- 0 I tCIt LiT. ef 1111 Tb April. tell. leT tisenioseef eei2totlltCoot5loneIIJ P11401 141st 10 il. iiuactoti FI5I slices hots 0 maw. It 1. Ieee. sirr dIe list etielelelalilti. tlteS.t-ice.el hub ilrIs. 1919. IlltotetAlltLAsiollEIAlel9ktet I 4i IieNI9 he intlolles heusleleis It is sod lets S Itonee- 1' i la islaltoS EThIJtrnrTViX sod Atthssl re cli. lull Iletelelt Is. lion OIsfltsdiOIeInn sIc. suo In. Ills. 1. I Ii. PRANK W. PELt. Atuog Loader Pini-PheeV I Co Motsiotp-Incten. L3. Itoh Ysytti. lOll. IIfOrf1frTOd IAtIII 1fl 4 pee- rrcT KR- lelAlliN r tI.i tSsrt abel hendy se he the set ltieS fIIIueig 45. lee Mo 1 I1IAA IsOehI. tha poepota lrsentL 11110. Itt llALAStteOslI let Slay loip. site shisib ellis the. etdielhltlol I hen 1Sf lelStlsifdflfS masle- nsoneoo It. ce lb. Of the I I fi. t I4itUAl 47. I Tt13S lVl4frfAJft91iRlTlN TnRm eeeC11 4T. :54. 1e. 5030cm pIne. KSJ111 tie to. tURWIll5cIllUl6AtIQN TItHER IsP CI. ST. k1 lt3llbhlIsltt9 tsT5MK.llsinlflYl I lank. et. Xel Ite list the eenksgol 5155 hoot the I tOTlE t.bere-lstIisint th41he93lLTThAltIPR A let Itteltnilue' tlee e lflLKTU5 ea.Thtoe. T IlllITlLlCGAS lite- that tIer CYE- tIer SW. imOale 511 tin 3C 1110 4 4 905. testttoly. mnIiag. nftleBocol Ii. 1 3t4SWAlSbfl13Peerwtfict 11mteo. Lnssl ltt I UtTEDDiRJcr tijtpLkr TUttle beetley iesttbnOth I ho I 60. I I Macset lOll I In CIOcdtOtthtBsefll& II I0' hsinb H pet1 tot I Notlee IP breeby ileo talL In etepyin Oct the peer. tins psi the tInS teotst 0 tinlsOt 06 the thsseep Ioog. I autdenoetilined IlisthIta asfieilsetsog In 10950 base 1sep11 piuthSed nod ut sstOtsluiralt sthdrswts Inn. I tee-el' te uPon 6551 CASe1ELt3l i I jlIUtI. st 35QI I1IOI 77 I att20000dl Liust. Ntie. I f6S0O I At. I fSlTllt 5rk1ATALI5tExlcol U lt1hhprclieeltiOtDhOleLIS the bone Iteiptlll st. os. sInP 15 lio0 4 Mep. I tICs. ole I u. l4. Mnnlt4llttert I the- Thetonpesi kit dat. 1190. Lstielssnit Moot 3919. I MISCELLANEOUSFINANCIAL. ATPI1. ll.liT 3 I-Ales' I ITRUrS 555 9 1sris0Ihl I. 51 EEOAUt UhLUOll 41. 351 iltltIs rise fIlil3413f AFNTs loll T1r. lhxlrs toe I eIlse 110 tiIe I 154 511. 5 f pelesic I hiss 41h wIll tsp ilielll Ii tesS tC10ibnlffllhhc t.tlf I l LIII ti lt. lice OIJib dot. Its lIle1aa SuIte ttais. 1 le ecailico Is sit I I 1ill' I I 4' I I5 tItl sle i1f95vN11plelAi Isett TItE OIslelFst lInt I II itch. 11111 5 teIliet 1 IrliOT 151 is sIt ni950l ri I J I- II liretneen Cl his e41eti le eeotiltdilte Lbn' 15 estee sOeltulIssi It otlsto0 Iclig ilte I tee-hued en irof if' r lU elite- I 4 e t Ill cc. t.-miltms 9i5hr. I t it leissJtltl. ItiltlislllA 11 itsrlASh llllilt4514I5litIS heTlrlE I tt155514511 el lnl1lte tl 11sf lustoso li-C ItiIeedS lIlIooOtl. Itlelolo it S 611 tent. nI I 5 mittS rate Ito isa' P1055 Info p. I nelor Is. tI sr lace iluiltistt I. lIre-b eel lie 1siel ltflte. Oe fit Isef to I dutonileel title cl oslsls bit. fLit tIe It 7 en. tilt- nontnlen ul I n1sot tusper I stspy It tern nlnosgeeE IWmeil Incite. II 1lOI055i15C 4s3ee toot hloelholcIeea 51114 fot tlOrteiseO let the 110 1101 011 I I tilt 4 leeeeygnte-eiynt Iteluslas. ll1i. I tIilfr tlellIIt t1ilIlbILtItIt. II I 1 d IItIi 0A I1I1C II lit. IleIaLDfrnLl45lt1knIOtlcd. tolllootTttseleeCooipOtt Itisitslni ci UsslosI 130th gemso 95014 4 lOolttel It tin tie ii Ii. IetlststtOtee. eu tad beedy snipe Iet9I tel t51o05 I Ibeesse ihlte5iL P92. 5. tfttfIillbs tho teitet so tlirtosf lleleeeitesleit tell toe till. Ito lop Itt lIndeesto otneiy egd.es-eedict ott6tlttessd 5 lw of the 55151 ethine. of rweeyenteoel sit tsfl to he esn Ie tefpd held to Ire table-en tecIoteo tAtellinill. lIunsltt kG. 91. e Oslo. le0 5' 1Sf I I tesidse 9111 to. Lopllbatd-Iteeet. 1 ssbotenilota. treLI A it' A bAhlit. kIsTbllitSdsAl h5Seeetuen. hroiiIllert I jJ1 RISK. hS 1. II tots ktsij I 1 0ltn1r. 111cC wItv LOT lEt1LTlAL IT ToltW1l:4 IJblfr luteI5. jI eg ljWe hAISOTcIedOT COALICOKE Cl 9 tdE lIt. lies LIght and CIt. I tAtnss dehetee lessee. nt thee dittetot Of Poe 50. pelee. ltrnkor ruth. ItndPinteSSIIIl4Jed00 Ia llUfOdOr7Inssl. 34lStr Snfrir5 or FALSTEEst Tell IIBfiRet1PIt fA1Tp1etVa t. 0. ItOBB. I IiLIelEtnvli G Also Pr4Tl5ilI 55AlTlttlelAitltei 61 It ART1eITA 4 bhuIIs llittIATV tent RJl1IL Th 11514 ART taIIEfY 14050. IleeflIoleed ARTHLtHTOOTIfTTONS User lorhf bn deeenssed IrLof. t.lLh Atepi T. Gsehulsoneish 14. hIP J Jisepeee Iterresses. Ilolel-Aiteet. 104. IlfilayslOft. I hsltiCiNd leIillttTIl u. Of iSASAflIee O leewito 5400i lIsIOtisinOOdfi. elOeld5 JIbe 1. ttOetthntttttt hsttcn. Triecsht Ac. IILIAlt rnofl IayiIorebeisn Rttsatuee botsI 3030154. 411414 IIi41en Isissisteto sod lil 10 VATIh1 uUirltiR0lNflM by II' Ill 1 1 fllI lIly htseh I loW I iIo ft II4XeIJsL by CI it lfi dl IElshrtcrr title- Ito. n4tOCst. I RlslteshIsL5e4 157 lee hlIistait. Ie ret. Ao. Ii I lit Id llotdotOttt. Oto I 1Otok I I P19 91. I I tile lIe1lIif. 110511 S tilAfriL95dlkli. llaoetsr the fO5olIIJ. I 11111 1 AltI0 RAfrlf Iltotottiw ltnelnsoIdc Ill lion. Fry. 14to 5tIA teen 50 Mi-I. 0 o yts. tOO. I Toth. I I I till esetteet. 011cC In. CbIhdn eel sihhleeslnsm bl1tsflab0t0 eelIoood TLDAMz 57rdkry9 TLI13T13ITTCI95I III BABleIIItTiIkFT I I Tnr CDEJfUTltsl tile PAI tP4IT II 9 eee 9510 At. : I I I I l1lRlcl or his foruol. I TIj 1) OTAL 11- 1111. he 11151 FOUOMIM. the I IllIfehIl ntlasykSteI I hAlf I 111. flrlle tI I shesceolai. t I iI tent 5iAAs i4I94. fllidltbC wIll I. I 911s. oLe nIb to eeeeeed lIeu ICtt. bp ItceeOIuSI Mktdteo fit Us I loll'- I Cdlt PFJKET1TGrIIIGE ke1ht 1121100 I ItnIytexLeetrithfietd 51. arend sIr I it lath lAbeIre. 4. I S1ThlLPT IilI5kY 34AIJME. CB ihehison l93h I ppe SI lw4t ffeiPL tuteleotcd by ha. le Itch fflee 1ete tesetest. UIoIet- 01001 4 bRAN Id PTWARD hit 4IPIBin I I lleenCtsIlet P1501 5aliflwll Wapele-aIrlet I 1109) ylfiee yOeloscd btoiaeC Willnj rne IIsene JlttfOnhIyfpifiin 114 its e. 31 lomclfrct 1 lals Jshnteei istntfsiC. b ttetl 510. teewI I J. At. I henion lkee I 00 Aoneolremt. I IttIt-IIEeIT 519t 5- 111 hte.scy.-adteet. Wles hhylteods 0th 1 0 teen Ut lttrt I I I bool Milfllletetc. st151r al te 9 Wllll5dSTrIR cli 1 P5050r In 51153. ittlts I sllge. its b IPSo 955 Is BISInOd bId I t Atsieo I Oooalote- nod us aod 151 21 Pt lb. 1051 to Its 1. p 1011 I be IdesId TinLte tielufl bIt. Liseotns LotIon. alert to the titeensasee I hhhhleo 11.51 IILSIIIEIAAiTRRET 4ylh lAPflEN WCI 115. NtTII1I rF3OLRALMELTI9e 1st thee tletefteo IMpIsh. ITsetsIoll Aloe 4. 0 IeAnnho tote. 13110 tie Is Ategdeskiob tao I 1IEA1Il Ieitdye c Tolurirln ss Otuventenet MAOtIssl 11 lItEMiitFilaeieg.tiaees4seen41tbnsh 1oct51 ruilleett st. Os lineS Ie ltiaenetl I.e. in 1Zt6. llrspr. 2.11 I IT tent I. 1195 US iIeuistitt Ill FlIt. 1 155 tIle is Illils e..t I shoelieliloee' A rrtllse 3LfrllhjEto. SMtIUtlkb Sit Bierkee-bIe. < I I tIt fle tIlls. I is 5151 l.e- 11 moestufar Intel. ci 1551005 to-tile 15ccnm ll mieeto t0eyiL tootsel olufll till Cnaoteirit Ii OtceSol ittileelata I coenszewIUne I 111051 ly I. zyr 1IIh. SSJ t4 Ioneln.--dseotweUi I jt is P lI 1151111 PPoji Ink 0 Iueelsellet tsar ste looetnseg I. n-lteu I. llwcIIsg 1151. 0451 tale waieT esoliet teilsr Otto Is Islont ran. IstlIlIfto lint net Is cet b. Iseisln iced I g-alof sehtreal tocnrlttiau I he etospeeteil lasoorstony ifrI4 alt IA. aid I fork. lit. lWtnflU sos lItrE IAldEtieflftelcEJi I 5 511 leofljirIIsi a .seis. j51s I 1 le1Llifrl. I II I cieIaispe ISlialisI hiosiet I ce I s 1e 01 I x I fihso I.l.1t PIIIE. I 3 555 tiIdLtlIles. Is Ut t of I i5flflf ham tlsst tel 1401. light lnott4 011 OSUI iIns. so 1 toiro ssnLisIo he tIle htssqsarflur 01 Sit eopaptnt suet ni N a 020115 loOn b. tatshoin 554 I I ttAllAlll5 WATELtilEsIl PRPjIItIpA I tsr IlohIsI5t. titlllit5nett 65e 05e. diet Iso 111. Iao libhtltlle hoods 15 the 51 II uI.- stole t' celog 1010. pee 1j I el I it hlonimeo 77 5th. 5 Ot. en. Ct I I aalstfietsI luokel tOeS115 oIftell. Itt. I FACTOIIY lb. osfllsi 5. ISTI1TTIIIS IthITELoe flI 5Q I. It 11511h 91. I lht9uiLLr. lli5tS 50 I he hlesusnebey 11 en ItIOrsiISPI on f one Lock. 1511 tte-eL Ih 1 ASTF1l1 cd e the 9 t sIlty it ofitokieli. Itmpnolig 3030 tO autt Lane. Oat lent mont In do. IU14 I oV tIe eh 11 lI. he. theonsosle. 512i F1IF9TI T"OR Is Frentilt Toest-Bt.iLifiIl i no151. coastninsq tte ash 0nhdrio ross tts.eed teslb TeaM I slso Sloe the o0aaI fltantI jssIs 50 I hA3I4.FOe 8A1Z1AItG rbtIa Less StiL 3LSAYSbnd 0oAatIt OB2jofta1I Al fit'- ItOh- 11 LIt P135 sIh--&m 9. 5. I 1. 115t sF0 1 Ne-.lert ind. t 3tssd kibOoIettetfild 1 EVEII1llL53LACE. L1o3leTlITkI3T900lt Pewe F 5 cblirbROAD. 15seOIsth tWT5 LSlo so Ostoene a lb rile hem tao Msotto. In uIt 15 FFEFITIALT9 OTT1eilei lntTlulNd I 1115 jbLiLIGTOI BASIL TATZ. lIe Atllt54 be offnd no01151 I I LIfr9FD ThB I I IeTitSTFIS0 rtd.e- IiInis 4 ddiflgIOu tO 5iilti to. Pt Meeo. Ileelotaesao. II I oetta I Meo Modgol. I s Ito the see en Ill lots bee- hi Sill ttfllotl. inI S Lhoftfoft WITIIDIIAWIO ms this AtCrlOS. I I p LetEVFOLi KrN1rY. FrIIREY. I T1AtWiOitI55t4t57T eeebt iiteli lz9ilB00K sIaM bit t1nrtn. hulk 0Otee. eelIsstosfeel ls0bOt e porugo 551 stoblilt rIttited ittosmtt with tO. cetsenewlnl teen. weUIsthtd erybeni I kltebts OneIat. rear p5161.k noreneleetrd li-f hOlvliwiioed eetloitds. ShileLl hitrIIRIdQtE AYrrASLd APULr Ii VAr1-SF peit91OfG TLl1 fires EIIRltL 0111 911. Ie- AVfr71C195es Jtb TIeerIo. AtOll 5th. t 611314 It St the ilteybotn4 blICttsrtiks Psrtkslore thotsft00sb I seine Ithe IselkItsee. 13lort 5 halo Sot 0. 29 lam II C. cod lee. 110 AeerlfltilnSn iCr Pesoley ApoCettIs. PotrySoewn lIiIUcoitntteetlredoaOStd Beonoha. tRlEYfOrFP15l ned ITMiLEY FKLFflOlIt ltFoItsSltsi I II ATES SAISUIEList tNltEtiTEleED 8CTtD' 15019511. TtI5C Seed eta milnlsln4 tootler st A. AIClll5S. a tocoite. bUt 51 tthsbeea4floto IAnlOiLl. tone S TMK LOl6ti1 fled TileIM- 71111 LtSleteIs eecrfoheetnr ott Sits. Is-an. foe le. non nib seine. ISO tstlor rOeeeoet ossni etlleen. 501 lisItti. 24111 It 0051C WtCrOi tolnt-hIP V1ILITtilD Cr11511553 lAST tIes In toO 55150 totlntto the 4. tliiLFY-l.t ItS lence. 054 tl Pnl1cten. hr. hlstrleIe to. 09 Ioitwlsfl1trwrt. 9tt. sent terms Ike Amttoneeso stilletse. Peirl. AtstlOOth O hoer. 00. .noepeeetlwti- totdea 554 Ilensebe. l5tdS noILBohlLTlfrGHLM. sPlat n seemcliesltt. lmpnptsstt Polo by AtfliN II 01st St eglonsnive- IlAlhilETla SI 111 Os utri. lIt 1P1115t011001. OiteMs 155 SM tono5T nO lststloL. 0 lee- the lt one .ob- the dOSS sM 1 the ttae lash BlIolo L OGet treneether with ltC I LtOWR. tt heneac I 1 11113CR tItONsiTltNFd I the UtoInsnler 50510. 5eeMtoatsm. tenheIstli Its. The 14W TIliOLS Ir01K55 1 Ket Ti-nIP I Al we bit lest - Pt meek. tore bee- rites P5555 I r'5 olt 0 the Bireeultzhoee. Cnsiel I efotrr 300 letS 15110 threef fern eeil teytel me thereuoietlet51O Is. ttdl. sotto itoh rnrkentel 4011101. EltyIrtesI Incrp Is Otereortnl nil. teens 510 bLot gettable tee. rho elan so obnlste I soletiti eioht. loll pen he tI-s lste-lkct II. 95 P CA. IlteostI. PSIsineolt selil telsel I iboee& Io4ua. 16 4. I lTcIePlOtlseICtflttsl II143 esi Ale P4111 ; I 5. 2 Monie Ito 10 1) hey 2 ITelephIsno. 2294) a TlltI3IlONtJ IlnlltCBT lIlses. I elltt lIAhFiItle IeliGfr llATII I hid- to the I 1 11a0 I JIOnISIt wIthin rote 41150. etc all. lea. dlen hat lAte. ISeisol fled Ii ti 4hitsb. tOe. lie it hALE ut thIs AissoIohoe 9kLLIlOLII IRO. PLIsTIs. I RF. IfFlCE n005loeslol lltenalef roinlient bIterCtt ts 504 fetfihiloIttat a tiIIeesIChIOI by lfl kdn thessk Ilelul aisoti' ; Slat enwllent 91 h II. hii 555 I Ill Ic-ewoofttste risk tenitIst lord. slissk It 1 stileltiIL all l4lV. IS nil dl tfitflI the seIl. Pnflltn nIth liars flit In awe of prrzotn. nil Is tIslheei It tile Aerssote I. thtlseIrm elIsprlsefl. ted' I eec 1 ussr I I iltI lit-IT. lTtlef 501 e' I I. dee Issake IsS. 21 lINI Ia011Lle4. I I' et. he Aheetwew. 3919. t-ftts'edsse be Made. DIV. theod AdwOtid. el Ilemyn. WA. 3Ltbsdaittripllist i. asApnll 31 ldoon. I si tassIlew hen 1e I red teed a I tIf I I 1511 I lIlIla wI drdiot roosa. I tiAet h eltroIsp rosd I lot boSh. tesel I ICttIctIeO Le. 10 lILt Jt .It SeE 1919. 230otIok Abe atemialkslo. IIleeiIIjelcth en Lb1. OS hun th. 1111 I 111 WaIt lat000It slalOM oIiseo 1 ET he lOss dspo III 0 luaU 1 Itrineet IsIS. 12 ltsstritttwL JIILtJMISARi A55IrLCIOiEST. I IlYRTIIofIlthh11ctt11th 93EIlohII hintoloollol AsenhtrrL 92. 5 fig hSARp. 5111. etllatP OIUJU tn. 0110. 4 si OetOIeeflUtIOsh I ni-loIn tnctsyese ItRIshes futtALl. ss n-ItS Istntese. 4 lIe 1U5i lea oslo pfletelei I 554 51151 Iowan 51 lIon. I. : I iCLICOOI 1r EnCIFE I It' URislhD IIENIA tD eon te-OrCIulte bent recelnwi lstWesetiotto lIt SElL by ACTIOC. fit At Istttttn5e lIstS' lii. Il I ISeraIttoef 9C. no Tote lseh Pt II. leO ne9d bees. so ide. I 3 4 a Ie II. otOI.OrttL 14 7 Bait. b4. A II 11 Oot 75. n.sl lent- i-eeesen 1 KrtmIngtiot Onodene InI II lIsle. 20o bosotetosy the oeiaet it ta I. istkrti 1101 04 IiOeksCI SO 1il St Ut. eoInooto I leUen 711W 14LU 1 LSON. pit- ase 0 the tJless- Isis At 500 boa. tlalee AIIA4. 13IioOoM ol1 5' SenIor. WFksS2Dt. ICLII eL i-f TIlt ItI5A5. 0IgeOtV tIle Isle I tee 111 thAi I ft. sinsen. 04 41. Isa. kgsth tIe to. I tkaah. I QRTJtlCOMEstGSU. MOTIERL P1lFCRF9 01 DR1WtLG3hf seetttlly 111 the BFIIL TIsIil Si bole Crest RemIt Mitte. IS te pioset. 4141. or M0nd50 AsciI 7. 4 1 0 Olitk Pet. I pfo 9 lisp sseest OllIot OietlnCn halelles scOt tin O sttslteitesl Ill isle I J. Peyote I1L1h. btisb lilickint. RtJ Vt" tohteeoo. Rl. II 14. 345th. LA H. S. 1 P. LA Pert LILA. y I RstO1 fleet 2. I. tlMinbtal1kJ rnl et G59tl etle1sIs ofli Peijolt sen hot I Mts 504 I lIre leAritr 9W. Atfi- 5 Tlt dresS lnsool I nasOt 1. 1 Us I I lIce peeyr10 1 eputegncsl I 13 has I s.hmut- WIle Anew sflinlsotteit I poor fci-eett russo. 151155 l0ge I I- OLJECISOF Alt' thc IeVeCtT Of the to Ole VeoeIa Ileoof st lslseere. teSt tettt9ts later 1111 salle I- 6101. lie let Ito' Islet of Ihe tlrtsatrtti I I rt tsr AlIT. One pe010tOe- r Fe Floiwlo 11:2.151:0 IilSste do foefi. Inso of to. Itslmtssootaw I 34. IssilIt-I'ot'.ast lIhplssa SIte rrnsss roles's. To latfst PIt-eeC lPsllhnb Conilesinlelta oasilb In. isf trotastr lodge. SerlIser. Ms. lee oteaci tel. dat. prenrdieeflseI tolalototI islet 5 It. lb. kIt isel lie ChRISTIE. yoopslhille ole. It oIl lelolootwet. Sooro isg2riiSL Isill teflino Aped 11. o5 I oelslt Pn3tiy I- PItrttIskAt do stencil Isle tAt. Se the I. lbs hsIiOfflitO a ea.I. tIes. heat nen Mt.i..e- loonsito. bacIp lealob tao OslO 5 toy LA MIen hbelolte MoreS loA lltOtreIt 0 be wlOl the saaIsl40tbOoI 1515 She 4 ret list so. 1 A 17 IL lIen. tea- TItrods IlttlloottO 9 RcooIa. hit I keolnrk eseen Vsota 4 A handorffrtnt Ilonee dlicsdtInrtto odeO uoa 95. let end the into yi-epltngsod wetslflenst hod. ti.a 01Cc toe. the I teins LIensoa riser IcsIlsdii wade. by st nflUlIosted Iss It. Von B41e IL 11. A we A JHLeentnelsntt I OlitIFStIIOlt SILT the a. tfepo. I then b KIfilItesol Jnrites. I Solai1.loe- I 5DENrTfsn P11YFR Ito Poreh lt 041101. Jsoita he Joiner II. Qoe In net s Mse I Ettlob tatter I 34 slteepilt I I otelJnoea tiJpe I isneert nnohllsalttn. I3ttoe thie I I I ntlcatsilgelobosL I bFIrllltIhE 9FhlNfTtRR to1PiRiFLAiN. the tI Ioanrt 1 sGwetlema sod loss ostlo anon- dLRIsTIE MANSOX. meeetelly wit. seeeelee 5951 use alit 111. I AC 111111 st thesis tInt Visor. Itinf-attert. Sel hats. nftnb I 15F2lATILE the I p3-y eescI p101510 44 Iesitinentsl 01:1 sod obieer I I the Sod catalaeoO boiL PliTlAiE tile rsf llSbctl.-his.sie. m4ee Ito ( r0ost 16 litleOefee I lisle lltltRFA the yey iii dttweoet streineit fl's hsis elini It CI. sfie 9. 5 Stcflltli1 el I. ltIg tlSsstlostO I. snTliioyyh Illiclyp irtIhneilet Jstitktnce. Ito Sc ylesesi taos lIne. psrerliitni 3t U11OS ENORGARDENS The sOalyeAt.obesji sppsniel4 PIiltl9Nt K efsiistlontsl tIres' belisi. olunoote il5seo oebitit 55050 be Ott A Ilhts SN. tIsIaseleeelep lIes. tstrl 05 1919 pteeendp soil pseflosal' sold pnoaleenl Is Musot VL sl Ds. hisO 0 SoS 111110 lAS nIns I Odin. hit. hiasfihitos- lilfise. Me. I LPA4LWLIY5. ML VINE 0111 I. 51 011. 111. Tnta. 5A15aIiId. t-il T11WAPK ie ll4I2tt I 0' 9TIIFIl. 501 I. JA134ATR11IIT. ilcolne 150 14. lC lislicttsste. lb. I. Ittelleet. sot 9. 31. ftaoohisytsieee. isiFIehittltls b 17 3494 1 LASE. lot IfOIle St 14 lute fisasite. I hlIh1XtTfeNc 13 t.hLBtettlTtL-RlFt. hEW frIIWItfIlitLll Ito. 01 ridt It 33 pie Ut I P ml's Tpees 23 Peoptrere0onhlsilsss. fAt LI.o-.sotreee. tllirPLloE lrtsn It. Ti-rae. en 411 lLhtL1ENRUAl4O. RO.ti 10. 50. WooWes. beat I 11 26 recL-e.otstltge-n Ie P. 9. ii JuliO Se. Terse mo rent- eiseiljiig 0ceb290oose. WI I Petit tlelTtlN II R pesolipdlis St I 0 Se I Eli. I 49. bUIPOIsefrkEFT Ill p. 14 pats. at- I tb 51st. E55 Emtsoh I lbs o AiSeustetCewl. 4 oirssSl I | loIn. Atbeg. Isabesta. eid51 Atenod 514 Th14NtltA5IBRWCS. I Bemlog the llenscoo sad I I loots I Icedttolisreat Isnetocin. IS I lb tItus. Sees SIrIne. a coo thomrcalaofjssyte-ctby 5 it ThroeiiA. 3 I all isbisi.- OldIllisso ale boHr St. sadlAn iglelti I atehtidlnSad lilt Atrtcanereoeems Isrsod Lro0sees hlsihceUSw noel I asl. Lead. 3Wl I AFBfl liii lOll. 31ATIG a REtIRES ill then 1l4ot I9t. sot njpye4 hot. us 31 III15ILTIMM 4 tIC tad Panky. I FlO It I strIet. b1. xtoR5vrc sod tbEtWrsecje I I I slIl CUL by ACITIOS fit tact et. te I led 11. Sea ttW15 IlL-i hWY Teont7n I AptIl I 051 Iselloseti Ia 1- I nheh L5tALt Sri tILL34ISio. Moe he rhtatI1 ShIsIepe ot he tatelsIl. II 1505 Tseio ll 50th 51. Scs JiineletpeI. 341 en. 1I00e A flt her. hdhmstt dn a eecrk pssp. 5 tilnaisIr PRIM 919 fuelled. 1111. OIraA 344510 kITTies 4 ACTfltHkPIf IL TPRI I health looks el- oyoepnt biliko Intl tne I Its Iliglot. SIrsS Os 004 ition Bee Fe- In 1 IIhotnwet to I fit 3. 111111 I raise. Ltybsegooeol Works. Seen I POtfIle Or. tIle lsowese of. 5 Seohtrsn leso. I It. ten Il C t ohionata the Eree l. deeesnl. slletoafri lIst-b. AnJ I I' lb. jtefnso. I g ksonohI-I.e.oror. 9 I P 04 150 51 5 Sfp the 1 tIP at EtaII 50 ; iIssppet. 5 he. Jsoen lOll EsIoeso o. 1023 I tea. hen 15ttetea. : nte. 112k ) I S 1151 Slot Ma ls0. Aires. I n leso In Ito- I Mosnseto inmfepler. Fetfielo I Ito tie. Ibm mat Ic nleb to Ito It. Pt.- S.- I. I alges host Prcqueetr st Wetisie 9sl IOoe oej llnoeanpel tIe- whiasag wet. IeseIinti bsoIIlo l. la1 I lattes. 1 95eaIna. ASOIOOo I nsnsoI ctncItss. lb. Pttpeetr set lb. laIr Ft. W M lea. to llse tiller Rot 10 ton lilcJ. lals Ilneottonl Sn Inst 150541mb o--n I lototisk deetsesl tin rhutlee 0. leo. 0005 Acleet. etpsrel et tap be bad. 10oseee Wp Ps. ii 5nt. I e. llODGE. 11 BELT. Py A3FIOC. oh theIr Itee. Ilni 561 smi Cit. ties 9or4ateei. WI 5 5 9011 lIla asul tellosleel In. St I relenib ptrsIsoIy. FPISTPII. 11114114. KItK BLArES A.- ness. I p01010 Itt peepe55 11 E4tnstit It 011500. heel 1.- ntS of 11110. WhIgn lOedoseet Etto Inc it. lsofony tImid Seas. Is. i pile Posey 0 Pee-at So. oeeoalI I the tIer. 55 4. 1rto. Ilenie. lal MbeerersefLordoLw I Uti5Oy 150051 tot I Idol PotS 9:050. lilt I It I tote lItte 1iet11 tocks 0 O.iatntos.- I 75 bIt 341141 Pssttttloten of lint I AttsIPO0S tOe kI hole- nri tenser I 504 well. taotlsl I I hbeiosasb the MillS Afe 10411 Sot kioIsr I 10 Sofa. 1913 I ± welt ItSJOIha tosoksostbfUtAIOO TlOdetboto dethelOS f4 lcostgaeo frbeena. EoLbrlo. An. 3lsy be niesed sedto pines. nalnClSstefhal I G..B.I DIPEI TION IF flOfrZD. TI ETIUL T k 5tIofle bELL 511 Wtdaerl.e- Aped IllS. Inqseeltot 151010 tAet it.- I na I st Pea Pttaber eeotit lOISISOOlS lS5 St Mn t5mInaInko. Trkewssss AfeItdtlsw on I J . TR9DT let Ott f tIP I IsIsit it I 11 limbs I P 20. lo I TUCLOJMY slot VRII5 spit APPUI04SM 4111. fib 11 0mb dl S0LEA0D lXLTIIERdEOUTSAl519T51111 It. 500 ttweto alp Seth OtCSIPSSO el. 514. IsISlorIIOI. I 1011 iI. skst Asnilawm 12hMttttIL IALMXK tat 95 111. II 104 lii I1stLaeII. Ltst. AC. 0llleOI CAB tIlOMHR1IlllJ. ROCIR. rzr4roi6 titst hhILLE PeI11LK5TF. Ko.tis. 3lolerlle. we. soil. t shah Esen lermils e5i4121J It RreoegoniaJaaIAInssoe55 wets aiIm ewes COt P. Aped pot. ho 5ttkanC. Cohlenten p0 tell Sri POITCFLAIII re Isolate nSf clean an. Ale00000etitoet. iteetlof A5llidt Ie41 0- rnhlae Alec. poets-boa al It OqlteatC IbIttt keete sot bIli.OOhwe- aoo oh. I rnmeed onenee' 1 Ilts An dtr I 50 old. t. 555 I y Isa tot Ills sal II sottoltiwe. A lIMW IsASTITTOFVIrIE FIsh fntnlgsn 50k I et5t I tory. TLbstlAY sad WEI5TADAT. Iso Is tImer. IA me. I tile 1150 15 I. 01. fbre 10 621 ia A set IlLlItrrllf I osilolri-enItIbIs LITOUL tIc < rib Is ohole s Sal nIl dateted see tile AOOUOOntO tbntrell.-Iaat Tealiol C3IOWLN 0 \ Mi-a Itookessh I IhtsIaee. s 1011 Lsb I loll. no 1190 5 . II cr711 501 2l wrssootso the Ia. 114 Artysto mlis 31) IctSIIIP sad enrelIrat seneca Cli 1700SIEHR P1' Al so cIa lod 1 I ptota IocnV4h1fl a eet 0 selllletlteleI beige eobhrie tilebon St llot betikItose. torotifIlils tsithrotnl pletneipo tnsenih. neerhshilic She etc teekIke torSOs. C. She tsoetismcilit pan 11541 p llssstoui- Ilnl tidAhee. te-sueeiset I nlo hlo tssbet eeoc. inI So. 1St petal. slot fre IsfS toll slnodssU 05004 I 02 e. setels pot out it I teo-L'i. itIl MpJGkI5 1119. ths p0epewt ISO cottaleri tue at tic to. Peuoen-eetane I o Istleweine 5010 10111. lstoeI sf itissm PtnosraewIbafe 1LRSSORD11IUAX. B the uternoftb Ist. 0 PertoIdol Isle 1. C. M FItnMhI. 1IT11 tIl Fl SALE lIT ThE kILtlisll RoTATITA sofa a SIrII MASS 161 bclstsolit. t1 y 5. 51101010. Snisrrilal PIioIOe lelwits tI ke Mate. hasiIh WsOt- butifiol stig SoOth 1150 sad AheetUegs. 15115. sod tasabilleih ltsllola 101 Ill chIlIes lotte I isoosse. senl 140114 lit SSuIiItStilS Istcffli 4110011401. EYAIENt1fl. Poseelgot nsrtm IOtA Ol hib5ntas tail Itensisol hughto. lTilLI0INIr9 1451501OI LIIESS3D H01SL skoist Lien ttOdndroFlblrWFEY RRolflA55047JfrDd. I lotte cotgaoeenI. Lenat 1 hat. rehoeeth I 5 let. I Se laeSlao SMAIiiIaWtg loll. 1950. I Poether e In. 1505.15- QlLInisLSCieCIidthssel LAO IthiIC11 041501510. hctolasbatn leeseeotAtos Scold. 19. tooontialalIlet Seotal. It. I 195 IIIIZF MtflSoftb. Se ltloeO1Ist00. It s the- loot4 61 II- II. so. 05 alIt. to ea 115k A4OII. 101915 l13e5i1 sb I P. et I 500tII5M 5 ERt5lo11I511 lAS I In blIsS 00 tI. ltlOet toe CSeIO 1le S Fheeetettc5. 41401 7555. oP 9150IOIyttSIUOetIn. lshlfe 111514. tcleee flat IrS fesnoe Tot. Itanshel iboSrnetfille50 he. t1ItnIetto loll Tall psins-nIso. 500 In tO' 110 51 lsosssos61 ne the 9055. LleL2e. onreretaslks 2 PROI 1RTYI tioblInhed I TI IleresOls 105Pm. LIstilol. St tho 5111000 Ill Isttsot JIOWa' It Iscd h1Ine 00. 0 be ANhj 1114. , , . . . - , . . ; . ' . . - < - * ? * . - " ) . - - - ' - . . < ! * ! ' * > * ' ( * : - * - - \ > - * * . * ( ? * . . . . ! - , - * . . . * * . - * . . . * * ' * . . . . . . . * ? ' * * . . * . . , . - . . . : . . : . , . , * . . . ' '
Seltsam, aber so steht es geschrieben ( scribd, irgendwo )
zeilenhonorar bitte an die pension ingwer, wirt wird ungeduldig
AG Ligaz Jap Horses
D.A.CH.S Movement
Two mAddi Treingst
Bug Dat Gaia Sol III
St. Marconi Clowns
H´ Einfältige Läuterung
Bwana Honolulu
Beiträge: 12202
Registriert: 8. September 2010, 10:10
Disorganisation: Aktion 23, Zimmer523, GEFGAEFHB, ddR, Fractal Cult, EHNIX, The ASSBUTT
Wohnort: leicht verschoben
Pronomen: er/ihm

Re: Drogen und Gesellschaftsformen

Beitrag von Bwana Honolulu »

Könntest du wenigstens ein Spoiler-Feld drumherum machen? :roll:
Wenn ich schon der Affe bin, dann will ich der Affe sein, der dem Engel auf's Maul haut. XD
‒✴△♀ ✴ө△ʘ!
Seine Quasarische Sphärizität, der Bwana Honolulu,
Überbefehlshabender des Selbstmordkommandos Ω,
Herrscher über alles, alles andere und wieder nichts,
Urgroßpapapapst und Metagottkaiser in Zimmer523,
Grand Admirakel der berittenen Marinekavallerie zur See,
Reichsminister für Popularpodicifikation,
Hüter des Heiligen Q.