The Anathema of Stos

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Cpt. Bucky Saia
Warlord der Herzen|Warlord der Herzen|Warlady der Herzen
Beiträge: 6831
Registriert: 9. September 2010, 09:36
Disorganisation: Comapony Kabale, Starfish Cabal, Company, D.A.D.
Wohnort: eine alte Haunebu IV Flugscheibe

The Anathema of Stos

Beitrag von Cpt. Bucky Saia »

The Anathema of Stos

by Stokastikos

I'm sick of magicians who have harrowed the million spheres but don't
have the price of a pint actually at the moment.

I'm sick of astrologers with arms in splints who can tell you exactly
why it happened.

I'm sick of darkside Satanic wimps who foul their clothes if you raise
so much as a fist to them.

I'm sick of Tantric sex goddesses who cannot hold down a steady

I'm sick of Thelemites who have found their true will in a bottle or a

I'm sick of Great Beasts whose three successive star goddesses all
walked out on them.

I'm sick of shamans who knos less about the wildwood than urban boy

I'm sick of Chaoists with dull day jobs and two-point-four children.

I'm sick of people who are so spiritual that being an arsehole on the
material plane is perfectly justifiable.

I'm sick of occult theories that are just longwinded excuses for

I'm sick of witches whose sacred tradition comes third-hand from the
Malleus Maleficarum.

I'm sick of half-baked ideas transferred from one book to another with
no intervening thought.

I'm sick of wizards who spend more on incense than clothes - and smell
like it.

I'm sick of crystals that don't affect anything except ley lines which
are not ther and dolphins who are not listening.

I'm sick of clairvoyants who cannot charge a thousand quid a go.

I'm sick of the way occult books always get stolen from libraries.

I'm sick of the deification of personalities that fooled hardly anyone
in the flesh.

I'm sick of psychic fairs - ten different futures at a tenner a time.

I'm sick of books published for no other reason than the sales figures
of the previous ones.

I'm sick of those who build self-importance with the fantasy-bricks of

I'm sick of white lightists who beam love and harmony at imaginary evils
but wouldn't give a blind beggar a quid 'cos it's his karma.

I'm sick of occult beliefs which act not even as crutches for the feeble
but as broken legs for the incapable.


"Wir sind nicht der Abschaum. Wir sind der schillernde, toxische Schleim der auf dem Abschaum schwimmt ..."
Seine Spektralität Cpt. Bucky "Saia" Sternentänzer
alias Papst Cerrynt Eiledol von Welodd alias Nede E Lym von Leng alias Baktus Paradonti alias Dr. Dromis Seth, Master Phool im Outer Space, (Mitbe)Gründer der Univers-City of Sockovia, Moonman Winter Dream, aus der dritten Vergangenheit, General Error der Invasionstruppen, Captain der ersten erisischen Kompanei westlich von Osten, Hüter des hailigen GNARV und anderer nutzloser Dinge, Dunkelelfischer Bischof von Betty, Vorstand der Company auf Lebenszeit, Ernenner des Fonsis auf Zeit, der während eines Bades ehrenhaft erleuchtete, Beschützer des rauchenden Orakels am Stiel, exzellenter Züchter der feinsten Flugaffen nördlich von Reykjavík, Eiliger Hailigenpfleger der Aktion 23, (Er)Finder des Starfish Mythos, Transluzenter Geheimniskrämer und unter der Hand Händler, Schieberkönig der Unwissenden, Verfasser von nicht geschriebenen Werken, autorisierter Verkäufer von "Das LichtTM" und "SeelenheilTM", eingeweihter Oberanti der D.A.D. sowie Pharao Hypothep alias Pharao Pontifex zu Popanz von Paranoia Panoptikum, Bürokrat im Büro für Zweckentfremdung, Anwender von Methoden, Knazler und freier Beratzer auf Schloß Gammelot in Mottrop´s Tradition, Vorsichtsratsaufstand im Konglomerat, Eidechsenkönig und Universalgott Nr. 5