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Inspiration für später

Verfasst: 17. Juli 2014, 11:52
von Bwana Honolulu
ellis-dee hat geschrieben:
Just as there are seven colors in the rainbow and seven tones in a musical scale, each with a different vibratory rate, there are seven levels of being on the spectrum of creation. The slowest speed of vibration occurs on the physical plane; the highest, on the buddhaic plane. From the buddhaic plane, energy returns to its source, the Tao.

Physical plane: The densest of the seven planes; where we presently reside.

Astral plane: The second plane of creation. Its medium is concrete emotional energy. It is where our consciousness is focused between lifetimes and when we’re finished with the physical plane.

Causal plane: The third plane of creation. Its medium is concrete intellectual energy. It is Michael’s plane of existence.

Akashic plane: The central, neutral plane of creation that interconnects the other six. The distilled knowledge of the universe is recorded there.This is the records generated of everything that happens in the universe as it occurs. The appearance is that all matter and energy have a sort of built-in digital recording device, storing its entire history in a photographic code, but the records are actually windows into the past. The records show events exactly as they were experienced, so the information in them begins raw-it is not clarified, understood, and assimilated until a consciousness takes responsibility for doing so. Once it is fully assimilated, it is stored on the akashic plane.

Mental plane: The fifth plane of creation. Its medium is abstract intellectual energy, emphasizing truth. The infinite soul who incarnated as Lao-tzu taught from this plane.

Messianic plane: The sixth plane of creation. Its medium is abstract emotional energy, emphasizing love. The infinite soul who incarnated as Jesus taught from this plane.

Buddhaic plane: The highest plane of creation. Its medium is pure or abstract kinetic energy. We experience the buddhaic plane just before fully refocusing our awareness in the Tao. The infinite soul who incarnated as Buddha taught from this plane.

Kann man evtl. mal für unsere Zwecke anpassen. ^^

Re: Inspiration für später

Verfasst: 17. Juli 2014, 20:27
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
Ich hät jetzt fast auf Tim Leary getippt.

Ich schmeiß auch mal grd ne Inspiration hier rein ... Ein Bitch Board. Discordisches pandant zum Witch Board. Wies aussehn wird weis ich nicht.