WiP: Fractal Cult: Gnostic Discordianism

Spirituelle Leeren des Diskordianismus
Bwana Honolulu
Beiträge: 12202
Registriert: 8. September 2010, 10:10
Disorganisation: Aktion 23, Zimmer523, GEFGAEFHB, ddR, Fractal Cult, EHNIX, The ASSBUTT
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Pronomen: er/ihm

WiP: Fractal Cult: Gnostic Discordianism

Beitrag von Bwana Honolulu »

Cramulus (auf [url=http://fractalcult.tumblr.com/post/87802047620/gnostic-discordianism-early-draft-feedback-welcome]Fractal Cult[/url]) hat geschrieben:Gnostic Discordianism (early draft, feedback welcome)

We live in a material universe. Everything we think, say, do, experience, is a product of a physical process that can be known and understood. “Life†is a relationship between different forms of information. ((in this way, religions, businesses, groups of friends, ideologies, are all very much living beings much like individuals))

A long time ago, in the primordial sea, matter happened to collide in a way which initiated a “self perpetuating†physical process. Primeval DNA. Over the course of millions of years, this process has perpetuating its survival through reproduction and mutation. The well adapted forms survived, producing more mutant offspring.

In this way, the primordial entity, that first strand of DNA, is present in all of us. It has developed sensory and cognitive apparatus so it can better understand the world. It is still trying to figure out the universe. Each expression of this common spirit believes itself to be distinct, an individual, perhaps an ego. It accomplishes the macrocosmic goals by pursuing microcosmic needs. Things like writing and architecture are advanced DNA, they are ways of passing information and relationships from one generation to the next. Our drive to survive, to reproduce, to create something lasting, is an expression of the overmind, the common spirit which unites all of us.

The individual expression of the common spirit is called the soul. Souls are part of the common spirit in the same way that cells are part of the body. They are all united, acting towards the same end, even if they perceive themselves to be distinct.

The body is just meat. Unknowing. A machine. A vessel. A collection of cells and tissue.

The soul (or mind) pilots the body, generally unaware of the spirit sleeping in all of us. A collection of ideas and beliefs. The soul (or mind) and the ego (or self) are one and the same.

The spirit (or overmind) pilots the soul, guiding it towards the light, out of illusion and into truth.

The material world is blind and unknowing, an idiot god that we live inside.

The idea of survival through disruption and mutation, through creativity, through a transcendence of the mortal world, is called Eris. She is the substance from which our scientists and musicians weave patterns.

The soul forgets about the spirit. The soul thinks it is all there is. This is the ego trap.

The material world is full of pleasures that the soul wants. Pleasure keeps us in our egos, in our bodies, in our tiny little microscopic ideas of what life is. The whole heaven myth that the Abrahamic religions lay out is a trap - it tells us that if we attend the soul, the soul will be rewarded. It tells us that there is an evil shadow in the universe which we must defeat, without telling us the shadow is just the part of the spirit which is furthest away from the source. The material world is real, but it is a distraction.

Beyond pleasure there is ecstacy. Ecstacy is the soul’s experience of the spirit. This is the true source, true pleasure, death of ego, transcendence of self and other. Material pleasures are just trying to simulate ecstacy, they’re a bad copy of it. Some of them have paths to ecstacy, but those paths are tricky, frought with other traps and distractions that will keep the soul anchored in the material world.

ahhh wait I have to stop telling you the truth, I’m at work. Fuck it, gotta go make the benjamins. Back into the distraction. More iterations on this concept later
Wenn ich schon der Affe bin, dann will ich der Affe sein, der dem Engel auf's Maul haut. XD
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