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Verfasst: 10. Mai 2014, 18:12
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
1) Define Metaphysical North by some method of randomness and
convenience. For example, spinning the smallest member of the
group around and around until they fall over, and seeing which
direction their head points.
2) The Priest/ess draws the eight rayed star of Chaos in the direction of
Metaphysical North, calling out:
"Spirits of the Hocus and the Pocus,
I summon, stir, and call you up
To put you to work in this act of Magic!"
3) The Priest/ess and all present face Metaphysical North, wave their
arms in the air like lunatics, and make a lot of crazy atavistic noises.
4) The Priest/ess draws the eight rayed star of Chaos in the direction of
Metaphysical West, calling out:
"Spirits of the Mumbo and the Jumbo,
I summon, stir, and call you up
To put you to work in this act of Magic!"
5) The Priest/ess and all present face Metaphysical West, wave their
arms in the air like lunatics, and make a lot of crazy atavistic noises.
6) The Priest/ess draws the eight rayed star of Chaos in the direction of
Metaphysical South, calling out:
"Spirits of the Hoodoo and the Voodoo,
I summon, stir, and call you up
To put you to work in this act of Magic!"
7) The Priest/ess and all present face Metaphysical South, wave their
arms in the air like lunatics, and make a lot of crazy atavistic noises.
8) The Priest/ess draws the eight rayed star of Chaos in the direction of
Metaphysical West, calling out:
"Spirits of the Hodge and the Podge,
I summon, stir, and call you up
To put you to work in this act of Magic!"
9) The Priest/ess and all present face Metaphysical West, wave their
arms in the air like lunatics, and make a lot of crazy atavistic noises.
10) The Priest/ess draws the eight rayed star of Chaos above the circle,
calling out:
"Spirits of the Delusion and the Confusion,
I summon, stir, and call you up
To put you to work in this act of Magic!"
11) The Priest/ess and all present face above, wave their arms in the
air like lunatics, and make a lot of crazy atavistic noises.
12) The Priest/ess draws the eight rayed star of Chaos below, calling
"Spirits of the Heebees and the Geebees,
I summon, stir, and call you up
To put you to work in this act of Magic!"
13) The Priest/ess and all present face below, wave their arms in the
air like lunatics, and make a lot of crazy atavistic noises.
14) The required acts of Ritual Magic are then performed.
15) Once these workings are completed, the Priest/ess calls out;
“Spirits of the Chao-Discordian-Voodoo,
Return to the realms from whence you came
The circle is broken!
Nothing is True and Everything is Possible!"
16) All present burst into hysterical laughter at how ridiculous they
have been behaving, calling out such things as "What a load of
bollocks!", "You what?", and "Yeah, as if!"

Quelle: The Neonomicon