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The Apocalypstarian Manifesto

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 10:05
von Bwana Honolulu
aflameoffreedom hat geschrieben:Bild

The Apocalypstarian Manifesto

We apocalypstarians recognize the worthlessness of the parasitic human species. The successful “most intelligent species,” would contribute to the flourishing of rare life rather than the destruction of life on the only confirmed life sustaining planet in the known universe.

Based on the following principles we hold to be self-evident, we support and encourage any action that leads to the destruction and extinction of the human race:
  1. Humans are the cause of the extinction of thousands upon thousands of species, and have committed irreversible damage to the planet’s ecosystems. They are homicidal, suicidal, and extremely destructive. They seem to be incapable of taking long-term consequences into consideration, and only ever offer short-term solutions to their problems. They breed despite revealing that they care little about their offspring or future generations who will directly suffer from their parents’ excessive consumption and unnecessary over-production.
  2. Humans value “profit” more than the life of other humans, and make life as miserable and filled with as much suffering as possible for their fellow Man. Humans look for any opportunity to divide their species, to hold power and feel superior over other life forms; ironically they are pathetically weak creatures, close to none could survive alone and naked in the wild.
  3. Humans prefer the comfort of lies and illusions over the discomforting truth. For example, they repeatedly vote for a government which serves only the interests of the worst human beings, the upper classes; every time expecting different results. Humans give away their power to think for themselves and only obey the most violent authority.
  4. Humans have an obsession with cages; imprisoning their fellow Man, establishing borders, and spending their entire lives working in classrooms then offices. They are obsessed with making this small world even smaller; to feel control.
  5. Despite the possibility of a world free of the violence of power and authority, free of war over non-renewable resources and instead employing sustainable energy, and free of hatred and instead cherishing individual and social/cultural differences; they fail to strive to change their conditioned ways [out of apathy or cowardice]. If they do attempt change, they turn to short-term reformist solutions. Humans do not care for freedom and equality; they only care for meaningless suffering, pleasure indulgence, and survival.
We apocalypstarians have grown tired of the suffering, and await the end of days. We have lost all faith in humanity. In order to rush in the conclusion to the tragedy that is human existence:

We are capitalists and proponents of business globalization; we only care for private property, money, and power. When necessary to uphold capitalism, we are fascists.
We support organized religions that are intolerant of other religions.
We support any industry, especially the oil industry, and any action that destroys the planet’s ecosystems.
We support every state with nuclear arms and hope for nuclear war.
We support all governments at war. We support the war on drugs, and the war on terror.
We support white supremacy. The majority of people in power, white persons, are doing an excellent job in bringing an end to the world.
We seek to uphold the patriarchy. Oppressing half the human race is an excellent step towards the destruction of us all.
We also support discriminating against people based on their sexuality, nationality, disabilities, weakness, and any and all forms of hatred.

If you don’t agree with us, we have a right to freedom of speech and to hate you. We hope you will suffer as little as possible before we all die due to nuclear war or due to the worst natural disasters mankind has ever seen thanks to human-induced climate change.

Fuck off, destroy everything, and die.

-The Apocalypstarians
Klingt vernümpftig. XD

Re: The Apocalypstarian Manifesto

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 16:51
von Tarvoc
Lasst tausend Disteln sprießen! :fu:

Re: The Apocalypstarian Manifesto

Verfasst: 9. Dezember 2013, 08:30
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
Wo kann ich beitreten?