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FBI-Razzia zur Suche nach "Anarchistischer Literatur"

Verfasst: 6. August 2012, 21:43
von Bwana Honolulu
humanformat hat geschrieben:
laliberty hat geschrieben:
When FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force agents raided multiple activist homes in the Northwest last week, they were in search of “anti-government or anarchist literature.”

The raids were part of a multi-state operation that targeted activists in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle. Five people were served subpoenas to appear before a federal grand jury on August 2nd in Seattle.

In addition to anarchist literature, the warrants also authorize agents to seize flags, flag-making material, cell phones, hard drives, address books, and black clothing.

The listing of black clothing and flags, along with comments made by police, indicates that the FBI may ostensibly be investigating “black bloc” tactics used during May Day protests in Seattle, which destroyed corporate property.

If that is true, how are books and literature evidence of criminal activity?
The land of the free…
✓ Massive spying on citizens, especially those involved in political dissent
(via Lord Caramac) :para:

Re: FBI-Razzia zur Suche nach "Anarchistischer Literatur"

Verfasst: 6. August 2012, 22:24
von Tarvoc
Kennt ihr die Parabel vom Frosch im Kochtopf? Also ich würd' mal sagen, das Wasser ist AM KOCHEN! :rede:

Re: FBI-Razzia zur Suche nach "Anarchistischer Literatur"

Verfasst: 7. August 2012, 13:55
von Apfelsator
So etwas hab ich mir fast gedacht, als ich das mit Seattle gelesen hab, zu dem Zeitpunkt.
Wenn man so darüber nachdenkt wie der "Black Block" in Deutschland und generell in Europa verfolgt und ausspioniert wird, da kann doch die USA nicht hinterher hängen.