The Starwanderer

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Cpt. Bucky Saia
Warlord der Herzen|Warlord der Herzen|Warlady der Herzen
Beiträge: 6830
Registriert: 9. September 2010, 09:36
Disorganisation: Comapony Kabale, Starfish Cabal, Company, D.A.D.
Wohnort: eine alte Haunebu IV Flugscheibe

The Starwanderer

Beitrag von Cpt. Bucky Saia »

At a time when the past was still young and the present was the future, it happened that in the empty space around a young star that had just been born, a dude appeared in a strange way. Whether he was sent by foreign powers or was born by a whim of the cosmos at this place, that we do not know, but he was there and so miraculous his appearance was, so miraculous was the circumstance that he could live in this vacuum around this young star child.

But this Dude was not the kind of person who thought about this or that and so he didn't think about why he was there or why he could live there without air and grass and liquor. Why also he did not know it differently.
And when he had floated in the vacuum of space for some time and when he had thought about this and about that and when he had seen this and also that, then he decided simply to go out and so it happened then also.

And so he went off and went on and on and as it is so in the cosmos everything is subject to a law, which the Dude however did not know and this law now provided probably for the fact that the Dude, in thought sunk, went once around the star. And since he thought so things with itself and was deeply sunk over allhand and nothing, there it happened that he circled the star again.

And since the Dude was a dreamer and a fantasist, he went around the star one more time.
So it happened round for round and thought for thought and soon the Dude noticed that dirt had collected at his feet and with every round it became more but the Dude kept on running because it was nothing that worried him and probably he didn't even notice the dirt at his feet.
And when he had run millions and billions of laps it was that the dirt that had collected at the feet of the Dude had become a planet.
And so he still runs deep in thought round after round around the star and if you are very lucky then he might run past you.
But the only thing we learn from this is what happens when a cosmic dude doesn't wash his feet for a billion years.
"Wir sind nicht der Abschaum. Wir sind der schillernde, toxische Schleim der auf dem Abschaum schwimmt ..."
Seine Spektralität Cpt. Bucky "Saia" Sternentänzer
alias Papst Cerrynt Eiledol von Welodd alias Nede E Lym von Leng alias Baktus Paradonti alias Dr. Dromis Seth, Master Phool im Outer Space, (Mitbe)Gründer der Univers-City of Sockovia, Moonman Winter Dream, aus der dritten Vergangenheit, General Error der Invasionstruppen, Captain der ersten erisischen Kompanei westlich von Osten, Hüter des hailigen GNARV und anderer nutzloser Dinge, Dunkelelfischer Bischof von Betty, Vorstand der Company auf Lebenszeit, Ernenner des Fonsis auf Zeit, der während eines Bades ehrenhaft erleuchtete, Beschützer des rauchenden Orakels am Stiel, exzellenter Züchter der feinsten Flugaffen nördlich von Reykjavík, Eiliger Hailigenpfleger der Aktion 23, (Er)Finder des Starfish Mythos, Transluzenter Geheimniskrämer und unter der Hand Händler, Schieberkönig der Unwissenden, Verfasser von nicht geschriebenen Werken, autorisierter Verkäufer von "Das LichtTM" und "SeelenheilTM", eingeweihter Oberanti der D.A.D. sowie Pharao Hypothep alias Pharao Pontifex zu Popanz von Paranoia Panoptikum, Bürokrat im Büro für Zweckentfremdung, Anwender von Methoden, Knazler und freier Beratzer auf Schloß Gammelot in Mottrop´s Tradition, Vorsichtsratsaufstand im Konglomerat, Eidechsenkönig und Universalgott Nr. 5