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Re: vs. ACTA

Verfasst: 1. September 2012, 03:14
von Apfelsator
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

Re: vs. ACTA

Verfasst: 21. November 2012, 14:14
von Bwana Honolulu
Errata Security hat geschrieben:You are committing a crime right now
Are you reading this blog? If so, you are committing a crime under 18 USC 1030(a) (better known as the “Computer Fraud & Abuse Act” or “CFAA”). That’s because I did not explicitly authorize you to access this site, but you accessed it anyway. Your screen has a resolution of 3200x1800. I know this, because (with malice aforethought) I clearly violated 18 USC 1030(a)(5)(A) by knowingly causing the transmission of JavaScript code to your browser to discover this information.

So we are all going to jail together.

That's silly, you say, because that’s not what the law means. Well, how do you know what the law means? The law is so vague that it’s impossible to tell.

Re: vs. ACTA

Verfasst: 18. Februar 2013, 14:12
von Bwana Honolulu

Re: vs. ACTA

Verfasst: 27. April 2013, 21:49
von Bwana Honolulu