Re: Goetia Discordia
Verfasst: 25. September 2018, 20:11
gib se mir mal per PM
Kp Mr Honolulu wish to talk with you. Pls write him via blablabla
Kp Mr Honolulu wish to talk with you. Pls write him via blablabla
aphilosophisch, apolitisch, areligiös, akünstlerisch, asexuell
Hab' das einfach mal so abgeschickt. Hoffe, das kommt nicht doof rüber von mir...Göttin zum Gruße, Roldo!
Yes, Bucky and me kinda... suggested to each other that it might be helpful if we talk, especially since I'm doing the layout for the German edition now. If you wanna have a peek at what it looks like (not a final version, all German of course, and not including any front- and back cover): ... test_2.pdf
I'm really happy you like my forefnord. I've already changed your name in the current version, actually I got the one with the "surname" from Historia Discordia, you're even listed in the "Who's Who of Early Discordianism" there with the long name.
The high-rez graphics are already included in the PDF above, and I think you calling them "improved" might be an answer to most of the questions I actually had.
I just spotted a few differences between the graphics you sent and the ones in the PDF file from Adam Gorightly's website, and I wasn't sure if we got an updated version or if you accidently sent us something older (being an artist myself, I know how many parallel versions of a drawing sometimes exist).
What I've noticed so far:
- Azazel's left eye is different (I guess you retouched this and it looks even better now).
- Flagstone is missing(?) the labels on his forehead-switch (also, he's got some shoeshine and maybe a slight facelift).
- Uncle Albert's granite head looks less, uhm, rock-y and more bald. Also, his expression is more scornful.
- Filibuster seems completely invisible. The reason for this might be a missing file (the Filibuster illustration in the PDF above is still the one I ripped from the older version).
So I guess these changes are all intentionally (except for Filibuster's absence)? I just wanna make sure we got the images that you, as the artist, wants to see being printed. Also, I assume (since it looks to me like you retouched them in this resolution) you don't have scans in an even higher res? But don't stress yourself out over it if you don't have 'em, I think the ones we have will work out just fine, I just like having a little "pixel reserve" when it comes to print (I'm always getting on Bucky's nerves with this as well).
Bucky said you would like to do some cover art? I had already started designing one (if you wanna see, some drafts including spine and back cover are here: post27709.html#p27709 - just klick the "Zeige Spoiler" buttons) which is still lacking a central illustration (I was thinking about Azazel or Uncle Albert for this), but of course we would feel honored if you did a cover yourself. Hey, we are really lucky you're working with a shady, err, I mean mysterious bunch like us.
Oh, and last but not least, I did take a look at some of the free comix on the Bathtub Books website and I really enjoyed em. Saved the rest for the train ride today. Also, love how you always manage to sneak some Illuminati/Zwack/Weishaupt Cyphers into your drawings.
OK, whoops, this e-mail got more lengthy than expected, and I bet I forgot something. Anyway, I should try catching my train now.
Looking forward to your answer.
•⊕+L ⅃X+♢!
--Bwana Honolulu
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Kann man, ja. Aber erst mal muss ich wohl die Links aus der Mail rauswerfen, damit sie ankommt, denke ich. Saß aber bis gerade im Zug, darum hab' ich nicht noch mal probiert.Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Kann man das PDF auch sehn wenn man nicht im Wniki angemeldet ist?
Musst'e dem Übersetzer sagen... Ach, hoppla, das warst ja du. Fehlt aber nur ein "der", hab's in meiner Vorlage schon korrigiert.Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Der Text über Evangelicus ließt sich etwas komisch.
Roldo hat geschrieben:Hi again
Your message did get through but looked like total gibberish (see attached). Fortunately I've spent some time among the Gibbers and was able to translate.
Crap! I knew one of those buggers was hiding - Filibuster, was it! Okay, I'll hunt him down.
Yeah I did tweak the eye of Azazel. I constantly rework everything. I draw/colour on a rather tiny-screened tablet and I can't tell quite what I have until I see on the monitor. There about a dozen variations on Uncle Albert - I'll look through 'em and see if there's one that I like better. Flagstone lost his lettering 'cause it was so small and blurry as to be illegible but I could send you one with it if you'd like. I did japan his trotters, yes.
I had no idea that Adam had these on his website.
The scans are 300dpi which I'm told is industry standard but I can kick 'em up as high as you'd like. I'm new to all this cybershite - up until the turn of the century I used a goose-quill - and I'm not sure how one increases resolution. Basil Hatte, of the CrowHatte cabal and FreeKluck tribe, has been my tech guide on all this and I seem to recall him mentioning something about image size and pixels. I could try bigger.
Jenn had me re-working my "Nature Study" painting all last night as she intends to offer it as a poster. She seems concerned with our having an on-line store with nothing to sell, which is why I whipped up those free comix so that visitors to the site would have some reason to come back. There'll be another one up soon if not already. I just sent it to her. She's 1500 miles away and one the southern side of the border so communication is dodgy.
I'm still wrestling with a new cover design for some future Bathtub edition so don't wait for me. Your own 'in house' cover might be more appropriate.
I do wish that Kerry and Greg were around to get in on this. They'd have enjoyed it.
Incidentally, I've lately taken to telling anyone who wanders into my reality about the five albums of original music I have on-line and now its your turn. There's no commercial frivolity, they're free to listen to and/or download.
Bloody hell - the 'phone's ringing. I'd better get out of here.
Mehrfach sogar! Oder felge hatte recht, und XaTuring fühlt sich ignoriert.Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Da haben wohl die Dämonen in der Matrix zugeschlagen
Mehr als ablehnen kann sie's nicht.Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Hmm vieleicht könnt man Jenn mit etwas Content von uns unter die Arme greifen damit der Shop nicht mehr ganz so leer ist?
Ja, und ich finde, er verbreitet generell sehr positive Vibes.Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Sach mal findest du das auch so inspirierend wie ich mit Roldo zu schreiben? Immerhin ist er einer der letzten ersten Discordier.
Siehe meine zweite Antwort, ersetze "sie" durch "er".Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Und sollten wir ihm vieleicht mal die Bilder und Texte zu den Dämonen schicken die wir haben dann kann er ja immer noch entscheiden ob die passen oder nicht.