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Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 3. Juli 2013, 15:48
von Bwana Honolulu

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 23. Oktober 2013, 10:36
von Bwana Honolulu
[BBvideo 640,390][/BBvideo]
Google Ideas hat geschrieben:Introducing uProxy - a safer path to the Internet

The Internet enables amazing things that most now take for granted. But for one out of every three people who live in societies where free expression is severely restricted, the online experience is quite different. When corrupt or repressive groups control the Internet’s infrastructure, they often subject their citizens’ internet traffic to censorship, surveillance, and misdirection.

The University of Washington and Brave New Software partnered to develop uProxy, a project seeded by Google Ideas, which enables friends to provide each other with a trusted pathway to the web. To learn more or help develop the project further visit

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 26. Oktober 2013, 17:53
von Apfelsator
Seeded by google ideas.
oder auch:

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 26. Oktober 2013, 19:39
von Bwana Honolulu
Sich von Google bei so was in der Entwicklungsphase unterstützen zu lassen, ist ja keine Sache. Man darf halt nur nicht nacher von Googles Infrastruktur abhängig sein.

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 27. Oktober 2013, 23:17
von Apfelsator
Nee nee nee, so geht das nicht.
Außerdem fande ich die Bilder witzig und passend. ;P
Und wenn Google die Finger mit im Spiel hat, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch dass ihre Interessen eingebaut werden.

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 27. Oktober 2013, 23:18
von Bwana Honolulu
:kp: Ich will dir dein Misstrauen gar nicht ausreden.

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 29. Oktober 2013, 13:15
von Apfelsator
Irgendwie glaube ich dir nicht. :skeptisch:


Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 31. Oktober 2013, 12:50
von Bwana Honolulu
Haha: :facepalm: %D
Le f0o0 hat geschrieben:Es gibt verschiedene Wassergläser. Halb Volle. Halb Leere. Ganz Volle. Wassergläser haben den Vorteil, elektrische Ströme zu blockieren.

Packt man sein Handy oder Smartphone bei einer Besprechung oder Demonstration in einen derartigen Behälter kann weder mitgehört noch geortet werden.

So kann man mit Lowtech gegen Hightechspione vorgehen und die Kosten sind gering, auch wenn es erst einmal komisch aussieht.

Das wirkt natürlich auch gegen andere Geheimdienste, die gegen Grundrechte verstoßen.

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 7. Januar 2014, 11:20
von Bwana Honolulu
Noch was über Mesh-Netzwerke.

Re: Technomagie - Abwehrzauber

Verfasst: 8. Januar 2014, 23:33
von Bwana Honolulu
YourAnonNews hat geschrieben:
  • BitMessage is a decentralized, encrypted and peer-to-peer messenger. This program has seen a surge in popularity since the Snowden leaks.
  • TorChat is an easy-to-use anonymous messenger designed to fit nicely into the Tor environment. It has been widely used across the Dark Net spectrum since before Tor Mail’s fall.
  • PrivNote is a Clear Net messenger service that deletes notes once they’re read. Silk Road vendor RxKing prefers this service, but others refuse to use it, citing multiple security concerns.
  • SMS4TOR is a Tor-friendly version of PrivNote that has gained considerable traction thanks to its base a Tor hidden service.
  • I2P-Bote uses the I2P anonymizing software to provide a decentralized, encrypted, verified email service. The service is only in alpha and, due to its reliance on I2P, will probably not be widely adopted.
  • Privatdemail is an email service with a focus on privacy (as opposed to anonymity). Here’s a fun fact: You apparently can’t email Israel because the servers are located in an Arab country that forbids it. That policy will not inspire confidence, but even so, Privatdemail is already in use.
  • RiseUp is an email service built for “liberatory social change.” Users must apply and be approved for accounts, proving that they are activists fighting for positive change, which is whatever RiseUp’s founders deem it to be. In exchange, RiseUp keeps minimal logs, encrypts your data and defends your communications unlike many corporate email services.
  • Nym is a remailer that allows you to send encrypted emails without them being traced back to you, the sender.
  • Mixmail is a remailer similar to Nym but is much easier to use. It strips out identifying factors like an IP address, making a quick, anonymous email an easy proposition.
  • Jabber is a popular open-source, decentralized messaging system. It’s widely used by journalists already, particularly in the Middle East.
  • is a currently-in-development tool that promises to allow encrypted and decentralized video and text chat reminiscent of Skype—only without Microsoftallowing the American government to listen in as they do.