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Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 8. Januar 2011, 08:37
von Apfelsator

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 8. Januar 2011, 09:42
von Bwana Honolulu
Versenkt. :-D

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 8. Januar 2011, 10:05
von Bwana Honolulu
Choptop hat geschrieben: Bild

From I<3Chaos:

You may have seen the “EATTHE Kids First” license plate that’s been floating around the internet for a couple years. Well the stupid dumb stupid humorless state of Virginia has gotten around to revoking the plate over concerns that the plate supports cannibalism.
I received a second letter saying that I would then be going into a sort court hearing about it over the phone. There would be me, a DMV representative and a mediator. Long story short I had my ass handed to me and had no defense. In the end I asked how many people complained and what they complained about exactly, since I was under the impression it was being taken away because of cannibalism concerns. I was told they received something like 4 letters and 7 phone calls. All of them generic “I’m offended and my right to not be offended trumps everything!!!”. The DMV then had a private round table meeting with something like 13 people in the meeting… JUST to discuss my plate. On their own, they came to the conclusion that my plate advocated oral sex on children, oral fucking sex on underage fucking children!! I was completely shocked and couldnt form a complete sentence afterwords. I then tried to get the plate “FUVADMV”, but it didnt pass muster.

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 8. Januar 2011, 12:55
von Tarvoc
Vertrottelte Bürokratendeppen. :roll:

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 9. Januar 2011, 17:37
von Apfelsator
Mein absoluter Favorit. :ugly:

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 9. Januar 2011, 17:48
von Bwana Honolulu
Wenn man so 'nen Kolben hat, warum bringt man sich dann um? :shock:

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 9. Januar 2011, 18:36
von Tarvoc
Bwana Honolulu hat geschrieben:Wenn man so 'nen Kolben hat, warum bringt man sich dann um? :shock:
Politische Gründe. :ugly:

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 9. Januar 2011, 20:37
von Apfelsator
Ausserdem, was nutzt dir das Ding wenn deswegen niemand mit dir Kopulieren will? :ugly: :roll:

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 9. Januar 2011, 20:42
von Bwana Honolulu
Wieso? Kannst's ja im Dunklen machen... "Schatz, du machst das zwar gut, aber würde es dir was ausmachen, dabei im Raum zu bleiben?" :lol:

Re: Funpics

Verfasst: 9. Januar 2011, 20:44
von Apfelsator
Im Dunkeln? Mit Stelzen dann oder was? :ugly: