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Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 16. Oktober 2012, 21:37
von Bwana Honolulu
Getting better 'n better. :schumi:

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 17. Oktober 2012, 08:40
von Tarvoc
St Naught hat geschrieben:Aktion23 ist übigens aktiv seit März 1996, nur so zur Info :pyra:
Mindestens. :ugly:

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 17. Oktober 2012, 16:21
von Bwana Honolulu
Der Dæmon der Shoutbox hat geschrieben:17. Okt 2012, 15:57 | St Naught: wie is denn jetz der letzte stand der chasing geschichte?

17. Okt 2012, 16:01 | Bwana Honolulu: Also, Brenton / PlacidDingo will Anfang nächsten Jahres seine große Reise beginnen, dann erst mal Nord- und Südamerika bereisen. Grob gesagt Mitte des Jahres peilt er dann Europa an.
17. Okt 2012, 16:02 | Bwana Honolulu: Mir war halt wichtig, daß wir schon mal Präsenz zeigen und uns interessant machen für das Projekt. Ich finde, hierzulande gibt's auch sehr diverse diskordische Individuen, es lohnt sich ja durchaus. ^^

17. Okt 2012, 16:02 | St Naught: ah cool
17. Okt 2012, 16:04 | St Naught: ich hab den thread nur überflogen. der arbeitet an nem büch über diskordianismus?

17. Okt 2012, 16:05 | Bwana Honolulu: Ja, quasi eine Gonzo-Reportage über den Diskordianismus weltweit.

17. Okt 2012, 16:06 | St Naught: geil
17. Okt 2012, 16:06 | St Naught: da is er bei uns ja an der richtigen adresse

17. Okt 2012, 16:07 | Bwana Honolulu: Absolut.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 11. November 2012, 12:46
von PlacidDingo
Sorry I've not kept people in contact very well.

I'll be in Europe after May.

If anyone wants to keep in touch via Facebook, the following group will keep you in touch. I'll try drop back here now and then too. ... 9/members/

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 11. November 2012, 12:50
von PlacidDingo
LordCaramac hat geschrieben:If we all meet up in Cologne, I must tell a bunch of Discordians not on Aktion23 about it, since I live in Cologne and happen to know a bunch of people.
That would be great.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 12. November 2012, 11:19
von Bwana Honolulu
PlacidDingo hat geschrieben:Sorry I've not kept people in contact very well.
Huh? Ah, don't worry, everything's fine.
PlacidDingo hat geschrieben:I'll be in Europe after May.
PlacidDingo hat geschrieben:If anyone wants to keep in touch via Facebook, the following group will keep you in touch. I'll try drop back here now and then too. ... 9/members/
I don't know if there is anyone of us who's using facebook. :para: Paranoia etc., y'know? ;-D

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 4. Dezember 2012, 12:09
von Bwana Honolulu
Ich hab' mal ein bißchen erklärt, wer und was wir eigentlich sind:
Cramulus hat geschrieben:I saw elfboi reference aktion23 on one of your posts…. Are you guys members over there? I keep wandering into that place, but I stop at the language barrier. Can you tell me more about aktion23? I’ve been very curious for years.
Bwana Honolulu hat geschrieben:
Yes, we are both members of Aktion 23 (actually I’m the primary admin of the forums and [url=ircs://]IRC channel[/url] over there) which is the oldest still existing and largest known (at least to me) German-speaking Discordian DisOrganization (Whoever reads this and disagrees: Prove me wrong).

Aktion 23 is quite a loose thing without clear definition, personally I see it as some kind of meta-cabal (most members of Aktion 23 are still members of some other original cabal) or even a Discordian Sect, but (as usual) the other members (especially Apfelsator) would disagree. Right now, online activity is comparably low, we have lost some of our strongest contributors, yet the member count has always been quite fluctuating. Truly active members never seemed to exceed a hand full of people, at least not during my active time, but it’s hard to tell about the activity since virtually anyone can adopt the “Aktion 23” name (similar to Operation Mindfuck or Anonymous). We are quite long-running - Bratislav Metulevskie (who probably is founder of Earth’s branch of Aktion 23) can trace back the roots of Aktion 23 as reaching back to at least March 1996 (I love parentheses. Just sayin’…).

Topics cover the “usual Discordian spectrum” of pranks (we are prone to fail at playing them), magic, politics, art (creation of more or less iconic imagery, more or less holy scripture etc.), random activism (often similar to your definition of Discordian Activityism) and other bullshit, without any clear direction. There are Bratislav’s two books (German language again) related to Aktion 23, there are broken and lost forums, some heaps of German Discordian Holy Scripture and a bunch of stuff hopefully yet to come if we ever find some time (a German language Discordian wiki for example).

I hope that was satisfying even though with most links you will run face first into the language barrier.

BTW, I guess Chasing Eris will probably shed some light on Discordianism in German-speaking countries too, and I hope it will be some fancy colourful light.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 4. Dezember 2012, 17:03
von Apfelsator
Erwähne er mich nicht immer! :dudu:


Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 4. Dezember 2012, 17:05
von Bwana Honolulu
:kp: Selbst schuld. :XP: Deal with it. B-)

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 22. März 2013, 14:50
von Bwana Honolulu
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