Noch'n Glaube:
Apathischer Agnostizismus
Ist zwar eher eine Weltanschauung als eine Religion im üblichen Sinne, aber immerhin gibt es eine (Pseudo-) Kirche namens
The Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic (UCTAA), die auf dieser Weltsicht basiert.
Hier erklärt der Gründer, warum er seine Organisation als "Kirche" bezeichnet.
Der gesamte Glaube dieser "Kirche" kann in sieben Worten zusammengefaßt werden, die zugleich auch ihren Wahlspruch bilden:
"We don't know and we don't care".
Das ist in seiner Kürze doch schon Guiness-Buch-verdächtig.
Weil ihr
Credo nur 3 Punke umfaßt und somit recht handlich ist, hab ich's hier mal unübersetzt angefügt:
If you understand and accept these Articles of Faith (you don't even have to agree with the interpretation given in the commentary), then you are an Apathetic Agnostic, whether or not you can be bothered to actually join the Church.
1. The existence of a Supreme Being is unknown and unknowable.
To believe in the existence of a god is an act of faith. To believe in the nonexistence of a god is likewise an act of faith. There is no verifiable evidence that there is a Supreme Being nor is there verifiable evidence there is not a Supreme Being. Faith is not knowledge. We can only state with assurance that we do not know.
2. If there is a Supreme Being, then that being appears to act as if apathetic to events in our universe.
All events in our Universe, including its beginning, can be explained with or without the existence of a Supreme Being. Thus, if there is indeed a God, then that god has had no more impact than no god at all. To all appearances, any purported Supreme Being is indifferent to our Universe and to its inhabitants.
3. We are apathetic to the existence or nonexistence of a Supreme Being.
If there is a God, and that God does not appear to care, then there is no reason to concern ourselves with whether or not a Supreme Being exists, nor should we have any interest in satisfying the purported needs of that Supreme Being. However, our apathy to the question of God's existence does not necessarily mean we are apathetic about promoting agnosticism.
Ach ja, sie haben auch noch 'ne Fake-Universität namens
International University of Nescience, bei der man verschiedene
Grade erlangen (bzw. er
werben) kann.
Eigentlich wollte ich ja noch mehr dazu schreiben, aber dieses Thema macht mich irgendwie ziemlich
(Damit bin ich scheinbar nicht alleine, einer ihrer Mitglieder sagte mal: "We could be bigger than Scientology... if only we weren't so darned apathetic.")