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Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 1. Oktober 2013, 08:24
von Cpt. Bucky Saia

'TomTato' tomato and potato plant unveiled in UK

A plant that produces both tomatoes and potatoes, called the TomTato, has been developed for the UK market.


Ohne Gentechnik entstanden!

Und noch was für Eugeal
Liber Woof

Woof as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
There is no god but dog.

1. Dog has the right to live by his own law:
to fetch as he will
to bark as he will
to play as he will
to sniff as he will

2. Dog has the right to eat what he will:
to drink what he will
to sleep where he will
to roll as he will on the face of the earth.

3. Dog has the right to mess as he will"
to howl as he will
to whine as he will
to slobber as he will

4. Dog has the right to love as he will
(yea, even unto next door's pedigree poodle)

5. Dog has the right to bite those who would
thwart these rights.

Woof is the law, Woof under will.

-- Mincing Machine

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 1. Oktober 2013, 09:15
von Bwana Honolulu
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:

'TomTato' tomato and potato plant unveiled in UK

A plant that produces both tomatoes and potatoes, called the TomTato, has been developed for the UK market.


Ohne Gentechnik entstanden!
Jo, die Idee hatte ich sogar auch schon mal. Tomaten und kartoffeln sind ja beides Nachtschattengewächse und wohl nicht so entfernt verwandt. Vielleicht kann man da ja auch noch Auberginen dran wachsen lassen? ^^

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 1. Oktober 2013, 09:36
von Bwana Honolulu
ecowan hat geschrieben:Bild
Become a contributor to the NSA! Contact your local disrepresentative for more details..
Schönes Logo. ^^

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 1. Oktober 2013, 12:21
von Apfelsator
TomTato ist ja mal geil....Welthungerproblem, zieh dich warm an. :ugly:

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2013, 11:01
von Bwana Honolulu
antithud hat geschrieben:Bild

The Chaosmiley

This is the spiral of chaotic bliss/ It is a

corruption of the eight pointed star of

chaos. It represents the happiness

experienced at the very center of chaos. It

represents the happiness when one

experiences when one is at the very

center of chaos.

Most people, however, do not want to be

at the center of chaos, in fact there is an

ancient eastern curse: “may you live in

interesting times”. Interesting times were

considered pretty bad news, but for a

Discordian this is more of a blessing than

a curse. Which means you can wish it on

other people without fucking up your

karma (we hope).

The Chaos Spiral represents enjoyment

of ‘interesting times’. Doodle it on your

notebooks, write it on your walls, stick it

on your webpages - demonstrate your

willingness to live in interesting times…

If you have any, er, interesting times as a

result of this - please let us know.

The spiral also represents the Discordian

Lifestyle(!), most discordians are often

found at the center of chaos, enjoying

themselves. Often the chaos is of their

own instigation.
(via Lord Caramac)

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2013, 12:18
von Apfelsator

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 10. Oktober 2013, 12:17
von Apfelsator
Auch wenn es von Disney Research kommt(eines der gruseligsten Unternehmen die ich kenne):
Entwickler von Disney Research haben einen einfachen Generator entwickelt, der auf Papier mit einem Tintenstrahldrucker gedruckt werden kann.

Ich glaube das könnte auch etwas für's Metronomicon sein...eventuell.

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 10. Oktober 2013, 12:49
von Bwana Honolulu
Das könnte dem Typ hinter hyperRitual auch gefallen. ^^

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 10. Oktober 2013, 14:18
von Bwana Honolulu
Chindogus - beinahe, aber nicht völlig nutzlose Erfindungen.
Bild hat geschrieben:Hey, buccaroos!
Yes, this is the ONE AND ONLY official website of the International Chindogu Society.
Do you know what a chindogu is? You can always look it up. It's in a number of English language dictionaries now (try And that's more than you can say for most Japanese words.

But if you don't want to look it up, allow us to bring you up to speed.

Suppose you wanted to, say, create a tool that would prevent you from losing your keys all the time. You might wonder about how to do it and one idea you might stumble upon is that you lose your keys because they're small and if you had a REALLY BIG key holder, say the size of a baseball bat, you'd never lose your keys because all you'd have to do is check around the room looking for the baseball bat.

Then it might occur to you that it's going to be hard to carry a baseball bat with you at all times and it might invite various types of trouble when unlocking doors, so you opt for magnetic strip to hang your keys as soon as you walk in the house.

The second idea, perhaps you'll agree, was useful. (Hopefully. If not, maybe you wonder about something you can build to remind you to put your keys on the strip. Like a sign. Only it would have to be a big sign. Perhaps the size of a baseball bat.) Meanwhile, the first idea wasn't quite useless--it would have worked--but it's usefulness was undone by something that created a new problem.

So it was unuseless. But now that you think back upon the first idea, you realize it was funny in a sad kind of way. And you decide that, now that you have some time, you can build it and it could be a sort of three dimension joke to show to people. Only where did you put the keys to the work shed? This is what a chindogu is.

A tool that doesn't quite improve our lives but it fun to look at because it's really weird. "Dogu" is the Japanese word for tool and "chin" might be best translated as "really weird." If this helps you to better understand what the term chindogu means, then this text was useful. If not...whatever, you got to exercise your eyes.

And publishers of the Merrium-Webster's dictionary, should you happen to be reading this, it might interest you to know that "chindogu" has been in popular use for over 20 years now in the English speaking word. Perhaps you could get with the program.
Dan Papia
International Chindogu Society hat geschrieben:The Ten Chindogu Tenets

Every Chindogu is an almost useless object, but not every almost
useless object is a Chindogu. In order to transcend the realms of the
merely almost useless, and join the ranks of the really almost useless,
certain vital criteria must be met. It is these criteria, a set of ten
vital tenets, that define the gentle art and philosophy of Chindogu. Here
they are:

1. A Chindogu cannot be for real use

It is fundamental to the spirit of Chindogu that inventions
claiming Chindogu status must be, from a practical point of view, (almost)
completely useless. If you invent something which turns out to be so handy
that you use it all the time, then you have failed to make a Chindogu. Try
the Patent Office.

2. A Chindogu must exist

You're not allowed to use a Chindogu, but it must be made. You
have to be able to hold it in your hand and think 'I can actually imagine
someone using this. Almost.' In order to be useless, it must first be.

3. Inherent in every Chindogu is the spirit of anarchy

Chindogu are man-made objects that have broken free from the
chains of usefulness. They represent freedom of thought and action: the
freedom to challenge the suffocating historical dominance of conservative
utility; the freedom to be (almost) useless.

4. Chindogu are tools for everyday life

Chindogu are a form of nonverbal communication understandable to
everyone, everywhere. Specialised or technical inventions, like a
threehandled sprocket loosener for drainpipes centred between two
under-the-sink cabinet doors (the uselessness of which will only be
appreciated by plumbers), do not count.

5. Chindogu are not for sale

Chindogu are not tradable commodities. If you accept money for one
you surrender your purity. They must not even be sold as a joke.

6. Humour must not be the sole reason for creating a Chindogu

The creation of Chindogu is fundamentally a problem-solving
activity. Humour is simply the by-product of finding an elaborate or
unconventional solution to a problem that may not have been that pressing
to begin with.

7. Chindogu is not propaganda

Chindogu are innocent. They are made to be used, even though they
cannot be used. They should not be created as a perverse or ironic comment
on the sorry state of mankind.

8. Chindogu are never taboo

The International Chindogu Society has established certain
standards of social decency. Cheap sexual innuendo, humour of a vulgar
nature, and sick or cruel jokes that debase the sanctity of living things
are not allowed.

9. Chindogu cannot be patented

Chindogu are offerings to the rest of the world - they are not
therefore ideas to be copyrighted, patented, collected and owned. As they
say in Spain, mi Chindogu es tu Chindogu.

10. Chindogu are without prejudice

Chindogu must never favour one race or religion over another.
Young and old, male and female, rich and poor - all should have a free and
equal chance to enjoy each and every Chindogu.

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 11. Oktober 2013, 08:53
von Bwana Honolulu