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Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 11. Dezember 2012, 13:08
von Bwana Honolulu
ohaieris hat geschrieben:Outside England ‘s Bristol Zoo there is a parking lot for 150 cars and 8 buses. For 25 years, it’s parking fees were managed by a very pleasant attendant. The fees were £1.40 for cars and £7 for buses.

Then, one day, after 25 solid years of never missing a day of work, he just didn’t show up; so the Zoo Management called the City Council and asked it to send them another parking agent.

The Council did some research and replied that the parking lot was the Zoo’s own responsibility.

The Zoo advised the Council that the attendant was a City employee.

The City Council responded that the lot attendant had never been on the City payroll.

Meanwhile, sitting in his villa somewhere on the coast of Spain or France or Italy … is a man who’d apparently had a ticket machine installed completely on his own and then had simply begun to show up every day, commencing to collect and keep the parking fees, estimated at about £560 per day — for 25 years.

Assuming 7 days a week, this amounts to just over 7 million pounds … and no one even knows his name.

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 11. Dezember 2012, 17:33
von Apfelsator
Hut ab vor dem Typen....auch wenn er sich bereichert hat, so hat er doch super mit der Aktion aufgezeigt wie Obrigkeitsgläubig die Menschen heut zu Tage sind XD

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 11. Dezember 2012, 23:18
von cRAwler23
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

Auf den kleinen Player klicken (ist das gleiche wie im Video), anhören, die Bilder anschauen ich glaube man kann diese philosophische Kunst Dadasophie nennen. :kopfkratz:

Und noch eins, aber etwas zum entspannen und zu spielen:

Man sollte ja lieber in die Natur gehen um diese Klänge zu genießen, doch nach nem stressigen Tag, nem Ort wo das eher unmöglich ist oder einfach das Wetter nicht so passig ist, da ist dieser Natursoundmixer ideal für! Besonders die Einstellungen "Beach" und "Thunder" machen süchtig und wecken Fernweh. Ich kann's einfach nur empfehlen, als ideale akustische Entspannung! ♥

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 12. Dezember 2012, 09:10
von Bwana Honolulu
Haha, wir haben zu Cuil Theory schon lange 'nen eigenen Thread. XD

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 12. Dezember 2012, 10:52
von cRAwler23
Ups, sorry für die Redundanz xD
Ich glaub hier fällt es schwer noch zu "überraschen" wobei in dem Bereich "Realität, Abstraktion, Surrealität" so einiges noch offen ist.
Ich hoffe aber der "Natursoundmixer" ist hier noch unbekannt. :D

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 21. Dezember 2012, 09:56
von Bwana Honolulu
Cramulus auf [url=]Fractal Cult[/url] hat geschrieben:There’s a famous experiment where they keep a bunch of monkeys in a room for an indefinite amount of time. There’s a big white staircase leading up out of the room. Every time a monkey climbs to the top of the staircase, he gets blasted back down the stairs with a hose. When this happens, every monkey in the room also gets blasted with water. This makes them very angry.

Soon, the monkeys have figured it out: beat the shit out of any monkey that starts to climb the stairs. That’s the new rule.

At some point, they remove a monkey and send in a new one. He learns the rule quickly: don’t climb the stairs. And if we’re beating somebody up, join in. One by one, they replace each monkey with a new one who has to learn the rule.

At some point they can turn off the hose. The monkeys will reliably prevent escape. Policing the stairs has become a cultural norm. Eventually, they have this population of monkeys who are trained to beat up any monkey that tries to escape, but don’t even understand why.

The experiment is run by interns who are paid in course credit. Occasionally, an intern finishes the semester and leaves. New interns join the team and everybody explains how to feed the monkeys and how to record the data. But at this point, none of the interns are from the original group, none of them have met the scientists leading this project. Most of the interns don’t fully understand the point of the experiment.

The scientist who began the experiment left long ago. Other researchers were assigned to the project by an administrator in order to keep this valuable experiment running. None of the remaining scientists are actually authors of the paper, or even understand what it’s about.

The administrator supervising the project isn’t terribly involved with it. He just prolongs the experiment because it’s his department’s main source of funding. But he didn’t begin this project, he just inherited it from his predecessor, who is on a leave of absence and hasn’t been seen in some time.

The company funding the experiment has a sum of money they spend annually on scientific research, mainly for tax reasons. But the person who reads and approves grants left last year. The last time anybody saw the man, he handed a huge folder to some new kid and said “make sure these stay funded.” Then he disappeared up a long staircase leading into the sky.

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 2. Januar 2013, 20:00
von Apfelsator
Wurst ist Leben bei pr0gramm XD

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 2. Januar 2013, 21:12
von Bwana Honolulu
Lord Caramac wird's freuen. ^^

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 5. Januar 2013, 13:40
von Mindfucker

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 6. Januar 2013, 01:54
von Bwana Honolulu
Das ist großartig. Jetzt wissen wir auch endlich, wo das her ist.