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Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 1. April 2012, 19:49
von Apfelsator
#OpEquip v.1.0 von CabinCr3w

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

This is the beginning to an idea. I would like to see this passed around and improved upon. If you think you can help, by all means please give your input. I would like to see Anonymous and Occupy Wall St work together on this nationwide. I think this could be a very effective long term Op to improve the quality of life where it is needed most; In our poorest communitites. I am hoping there is enough information here that any occupation across the US can run with this idea.

Collection of old unwanted laptops and desktops for wipe/repair/consolidation to reinstall with Open Source education software for distribution in poor communities to families without computers. If we can expand the mind of children, and get them used to using computers, we can give them a hand up in education and schooling.

Community outreach for donations:
Each city would be spear headed via local Occupy - flyering, outreach to businesses, community organizations, neighborhoods, churches, and schools

We would need either a garage or workspace to not only collect the computers, but to use as an upgrade/installation centers Internet access at these locations is a must.

A training class would be needed to teach any volunteers what they are doing with repair and upgrade/consolidation. Would need at least one person with enough knowledge to troubleshoot hardware issues during consolidation and repair of computers.

OS and requirements:
Ubuntu 12:04 (trash unity, go with cinnamon interface)
A Pentium 4, 1GHz system is the minimum recommended for a desktop system.
Table 3.2. Recommended Minimum System Requirements
Install Type RAM (minimal) RAM (recommended) Hard Drive
No desktop 64 megabytes 256 megabytes 1 gigabyte
With Desktop 64 megabytes 512 megabytes 5 gigabytes

Software to install:
Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game or a video to share on the web.

Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.

Explore the Universe in this detailed space simulation

Cinelerra is the most advanced non-linear video editor and compositor for Linux.

Childsplay is a suite of educational games for young children, like gcompris.

GeoGebra is interactive geometry software for educational purposes.

GCompris is an educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10.

GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software.

Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux.

Math Expression Solver and Plotter

A Geography Learning Program

Web authoring system and WYSIWYG web page editor.

A flashcard and vocabulary learning program


LibreOffice is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project.

Little Wizard
Computer Programming Development environment for children

Portable computer algebra system.

Game for improving speed at solving math problems.

NUT Nutrition Software
NUT is nutrional analysis software.

OpenTeacher is an open source vocabulary training application that helps you learn a foreign language.

Dictionary, encyclopedia, word translation and thesaurus lookup.

Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer.

"Tux Typing" is an educational typing tutor for children.

TuxMath is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts.

*** All software is free an open source. This is the beginning list, and is always open to suggestions and amendments. The idea is to give them as much ability as possible to jump start not only thier education, but also health/nutrition/finance software for parents. Anything that can be useful should be included. **

Community outreach for receiving:
Compile some sort of list? as to who is in need. This could possibly be fast tracked by reaching out to schools, churches, community organizations, and through friends. It also never hurts to walk through communities and just TALK to people to find out what thiers and others needs are.


Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 6. April 2012, 21:48
von adleritey
Wir sind Zauberer! ... ianism.htm
It is clear that Discordianism is a form of witchcraft. According to (witchcraft)...

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 7. April 2012, 16:14
von Apfelsator
whuuuuuuuiiiiiiiii!!!!! :yeah:

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 7. April 2012, 17:20
von Bwana Honolulu
Generator für "Offene Briefe" (mit Grassifizierung)
Wortfeld hat geschrieben:Liebe Kostenloskulturellen.

Mit meinem Anwalt
habe ich diese ganzen offenen Briefe überflogen
und sehe mich daher genötigt,
sofort ein Gedicht zu schreiben.

Ihre Haltung ganz allgemein
ist ebenso irrelevant wie passé
und hinterlässt mich daher

Ganz offensichtlich
wollen Sie nicht verstehen,
wie wir die Probleme
im Internet lösen können.

Aus der Wikipedia
sollte jeder wissen,
dass Ihre Position großartig ist.

Somit hoffe ich,
dass mein Gedicht
diese Diskussion endlich verlängert.

(Und damit vorerst basta!)

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 7. April 2012, 18:01
von Bwana Honolulu
Der Postillon hat geschrieben:Berlin (dpo*) - Eingeschränkte motorische Fähigkeiten, unkontrollierter Speichelfluss, ständiges Geplärre: Wegen dieser und anderer Mängel hat das Familienministerium heute die Geburtenjahrgänge 2011 und 2012 zurückgerufen.

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 9. April 2012, 19:13
von Bwana Honolulu
Beschwerden mittelalterlicher Mönche am Rand illuminierter Buchseiten.

Außerdem: Davon geht die Morgenpost Online nicht unter.

Googles Aprilscherz fand ich dieses Jahr übrigens auch ziemlich cool:
[BBvideo 640,390][/BBvideo]

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 9. April 2012, 20:58
von Apfelsator
Kennt ihr schon das neue Google-Spielzeug?

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 9. April 2012, 21:01
von Apfelsator
Achso, noch viel viel vieeel interessanter:
Studies fault Bayer in bee die-off
Zwar nicht die Apokalypse die ich mir gewünscht hatte aber na ja, kann ja noch werden. :ugly:

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 9. April 2012, 21:17
von Bwana Honolulu
Sischa. XD

Re: Netzfundstücke

Verfasst: 10. April 2012, 00:49
von Apfelsator
Pfff, Pessimist!
