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Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 4. Oktober 2017, 00:08
von Bwana Honolulu
Hattest'e jetzt schon in das RTF vom Vorwort geschaut, das ich hochgeladen hatte?

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 4. Oktober 2017, 07:09
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
Joa und das freut mich das nicht soviel geändert wurde. Heißt ja irgendwie doch das ich schon einigermaßen gut vorgearbeitet habe.

Werd ich anhängen wenn ich die Goetia hinschicke.

P.S. Excuse my late answer. We had a little discussion in our Metacabal and a good frind of me (Call him Mr. Honolulu or just Bwana) think my translation of the Goetia can be a little bit better. So he grab my notes and locked me into an Officecloset where i just hear his fingers hammering on a keyboard. I belive this was a good decission because his correction of my translation is a bit better and so after days i have free myself, grab the notes again and can now send it to you.

I hope you must not wait too much and say sorry again. Now i put myself in a Bag made of Flax and wash my head with ash. Looks funny but itch very much.

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 4. Oktober 2017, 09:15
von Bwana Honolulu
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Joa und das freut mich das nicht soviel geändert wurde. Heißt ja irgendwie doch das ich schon einigermaßen gut vorgearbeitet habe.
Hab' ich doch gesagt. ^^
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:P.S. Excuse my late answer. We had a little discussion in our metacabal and a good friend of me (Call him Mr. Honolulu or just Bwana) thinks my translation of the Goetia can be a little bit better. So he grabbed my notes and locked me into an office closet where i heard nothing but his fingers hammering on a keyboard. I believe this was a good decission because his correction of my translation is a bit better and so after days I was able to free myself, fetch the notes again and now I can send them to you.

I hope you didn't have to wait too much and I say sorry again. Now I put myself in a bag made of flax and wash my head with ash. Looks funny but itches very much.

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 6. Oktober 2017, 23:32
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
Nach erneutem lesen der Mail hab ich gesehen das Roldo mir ein Geschenk hinterlassen hat.


Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 7. Oktober 2017, 09:38
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
Ich hab mal die vorabversion plus Bwanas Vorwort hingeschickt was sich dann doch noch als guter zug erwiesen hat ...
Greetings and gratitude

Not to worry about Time - my watch broke in 1982 and seven decades of wear and tear has morphed my memory into a broken kaleidoscope.

It appears, from what I can read, that you and Herr Bwana are working from one of the earlier on-line versions of the Goetia. The new Bathtub Books edition has a slightly shorter forward, edited by me since Bathtub Jenn (who actually runs the trip) leaves me free-handed in such matters. I'll include this rewrite here in case you want to translate it instead.

Anyway there's no rush. So far as I know we've only actually sold a couple of copies to date and neither went to Germany.

You raised an interesting point in your first eletter by translating "Fliegende Kinderscheisse" as "Flying Kiddieshit", which is correct. What Greg/Mal2, who likely didn't speak German, was trying to say was "Flying Babyshit" so since "baby" is the same in German and English (so google tells me) perhaps "Säuglingscheisse" would be more correct?

Hang on a minute - I'll be right back...

I'm back

The Wascally Wabbit Cabal sends you this Sacred Text compiled and edited by our G.H.F. Dr. Jon Swabey of Australia which we hope is obscure enough that you don't already have it.

Don't wolf your food - use your entrenching tool

'til we meet again
Anbei eine Ausgabe der Apocrypha im pdf format.

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 7. Oktober 2017, 10:31
von Bwana Honolulu
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Nach erneutem lesen der Mail hab ich gesehen das Roldo mir ein Geschenk hinterlassen hat.
Nice. 8-) Ist übrigens eins seiner bekanntesten Werke. Insbesondere auch, weil's auf dem Titel der Historia Discordia gelandet ist. ^^
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Ich hab mal die vorabversion plus Bwanas Vorwort hingeschickt was sich dann doch noch als guter zug erwiesen hat ...

Sorry, daß es so lange dauert. Ich bin halt noch langsamer, wenn ich sorgfältig arbeite. Und ich frage mich immer noch, wo du in deiner Übersetzung das Wort "pöpelnden" her hast. %D
Roldo Odlor hat geschrieben:You raised an interesting point in your first eletter by translating "Fliegende Kinderscheisse" as "Flying Kiddieshit", which is correct. What Greg/Mal2, who likely didn't speak German, was trying to say was "Flying Babyshit" so since "baby" is the same in German and English (so google tells me) perhaps "Säuglingscheisse" would be more correct?
:kombiniere: Also, ich würde einfach aus "Traditionsgründen" bei "Fliegende Kinderscheisse" bleiben. Ansonsten wäre "Fliegende Babyscheisse" tatsächlich die bessere Übersetzung. "Säugling" ist einfach nicht so umgangssprachlich. :kp:
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Anbei eine Ausgabe der Apocrypha im pdf format.
:kombiniere: Der Apocrypha, die wir schon haben? Oder irgendwas anderes? Kannst'e im Zweifelsfall ja mal ins Wniki hochladen (PDF hochladen geht quasi wie Bild hochladen).

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 9. Oktober 2017, 01:48
von Bwana Honolulu
Bwana Honolulu hat geschrieben:Hier schon mal meine Korrektur des Vorwortes.
Und hier der Discord über die Region von Thud und der eigentliche Hauptteil über die Dämonen. Uff. :toohot:

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 9. Oktober 2017, 06:53
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
ich fand ja den Discord am komplikiziertesten ... tjo was bleibt nun noch zu tun?

Ach ja das Vorwort nochmal überarbeiten :D

Vieleicht will Roldo uns auch nur durch die Blume sagen das wir die Apocrypha übersetzen sollen aber ich glaub das hat Zwyrd schon erledigt.
Hello again
Here are the other notes translated by Bwana Honolulu.
We decide to translate the "Vorwort" again but not now.
Thanks for the Apocrypha.
In good discordian tradition i send you some sheets for Cards (some in german).
And i would ask if it was ok when we upload the german version of the goetia in our DisLib or if we can publish this book in self publishing if you decide to make no german version (we try to launch a discordian Webshop here in germ-any and need some products. With the money from the shop we hope we can support some other discodian projects.)
If you ever need more german discordian stuff just tell me. We have a bunch of stuff here.

P.S. Mr Honolulu says because of traditional reasons we should use "fliegende Kinderscheiße" on the other hand "fliegende Babyscheiße" was the better translation. "Säugling" is not so common used here.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen and 5 Hands full of Quark
Cpt. Bucky "Saia" Sternentänzer

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 9. Oktober 2017, 09:58
von Bwana Honolulu
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Ach ja das Vorwort nochmal überarbeiten :D
OK, die beiden Vorworte sind nicht so weit voneinander entfernt... schau'mer mal. ^^
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Vieleicht will Roldo uns auch nur durch die Blume sagen das wir die Apocrypha übersetzen sollen
Weiß nicht. ^^
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:aber ich glaub das hat Zwyrd schon erledigt.
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Hello again,

here are the other notes edited by Bwana Honolulu.
Ich hab's ja "nur" bearbeitet, Übersetzt hattest du's ja selbst.
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:We decided to translate the foreword again but not now.
Warum hattest du da das deutsche Wort? :kopfkratz:
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:Thanks for the Apocrypha.
In good discordian tradition i send you some sheets for Cards (some in German).
And I would ask if it would be ok when we upload the German version of the Goetia in our DisLib or if we can even publish this book in self publishing if you decide to make no German version (we try to launch a discordian webshop here in germ-any and need some products. With the money from the shop we hope to support some other discodian projects.)
If you ever need more german discordian stuff just tell me. We have a bunch of it here.

P.S. Mr. Honolulu says he would use "fliegende Kinderscheiße" for reasons of tradition, on the other hand "fliegende Babyscheiße" is a more precise translation. "Säugling" is correct and, other than "Baby", not a loanword from Englisch, yet it's more specific and not as colloquially used.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen and 5 hands full of Quark
Cpt. Bucky "Saia" Sternentänzer
Meinst du "5 hands full of quarks" oder "5 hands full of curd"? %D

Re: Goetia Discordia

Verfasst: 9. Oktober 2017, 20:23
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
Der gute alte Quark. Mir wegen auch Sahnequark.
Sure. You can publish a German edition of the Goetia if you like and
you're welcome to use my grafix - cover, characters, &c. Some mention of
the Bathtub Books edition would be appreciated. I haven't asked Jenn
about it - she's at her day job just now, poor girl - but I can't
imagine she'd object. Publishing a German version in Germany seems a
more sensible idea. I'll alert my German friends (both musicians - Peter
Marchand and Klaus Wieland) to watch for it.

You can use my "Great Seal" too if you have any use for it. I've always
wanted to see it as a poster, tho I'm not sure the enlargement would
hold up.

I'm becoming quite fond of the word "Vortwort". There's some quite words
in the German language. I do have to keep reminding myself that the "V"
and "W" sounds are the opposite of the English.

I hope you enjoy the Apocrypha. Dr Jon Swabey is a fine example of
Australian cool. If you're on facebook at all you should look him up.

Thanks for the new stuff. Here's some Ukulele music for you and the Bwana