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Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 00:20
von Tarvoc
PlacidDingo hat geschrieben:Tarvoc, I'll stick with the plan see you tomorrow, midday. I bought a warm stupid hat converted in coffee bag material so I'll have that on.
Okay, I guess I'll recognize you. I'll send you an image of myself too via PM, just to be sure.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 00:34
von Bwana Honolulu
I just noticed I missed a few messages...
triple zero hat geschrieben:The three little Dutchspags Ix, 000 and Sjaako are still very much lost without a place to stay in Cologne! (the night of saturday to sunday)

If anyone knows anything, that would be awesome!
:kopfkratz: :idee: :panik: :kp: I already asked almost everyone I know in Cologne yet without positive answer :frust: , but just like Tarvoc, I don't live there myself.
PlacidDingo hat geschrieben:Bwana if you want I'm keen to meet for a late night coffee or other shenanigans. Of course, I see you on the 7th anyway.
Sure. :schumi: I will save your phone number so I can reach you, just in case.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 13:23
von triple zero
Ok so our current plan is to not stay the night in Cologne but drive back to NL the same day, evening.

The important thing is that we'll be there!

If you need to recognize us, don't expect me to look much like my avatar. My hair's not red, it's dark (with some grey) and quite a bit longer. Same face, probably no glasses. I might be wearing a hat maybe. I have purple boots. We'll have a sign that says FNORD 2013 + the date on it. It has the date on it, just in case our time-travelling future selves get there before we do. If you see them you may tell them we said "Hi!", although they will probably reply "We know. Because that was us then.". Don't believe them when they say Tetris was based on a true story.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 15:18
von Bwana Honolulu
I'm still trying to work out the problem with the sleeping place.

And you should maybe watch out for a dude in a light blue bathrobe. He is almost as trustworthy as I am (which doesn't mean much, though. (Trust me (or don't).)).

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 16:38
von Bwana Honolulu
Oh, and BTW there is of course Teapot's solution:
Teapot hat geschrieben:@Netherlandspeople would this be an option for you to stay for that night? Black Sheep Hostel
A room with 5 beds would only cost 23 Euro xD (2 beds for 25 Euro). :cthulhu:

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 20:02
von El Sjaako
Teapot hat geschrieben:Oh, if you meet tomorrow about 12 am it will be defenetley too early for me, but I could join at 11 pm. And Saturday, of course.
@Netherlandspeople would this be an option for you to stay for that night? Black Sheep Hostel
A room with 5 beds would only cost 23 Euro xD (2 beds for 25 Euro). :cthulhu:

@Bucky: Schade!
Ich habe versucht, aber es ist voll.

To be honest, it's not a big deal. I'll just have to limit my consumption of köstliches Deutsche Bier.

By the way, does anyone have any good Köln parking tips?

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 20:34
von KÆoS
El Sjaako hat geschrieben:By the way, does anyone have any good Köln parking tips?
Can't offer parking advice for your car. My advise would be to park a bit on the outside and use the city train (or a bike ^^). But I could offer two people a place to stay the night. But beware: It's far from the cleanliest of flats: My flatmate and I are both 'a bit' on the lazy side... But there's room for one on a couch and for another on the floor. Perhaps it'll be possible to fit in all three of you guys, but the room will get rather stuffed then. (Or the third guy has to sleep on a second couch by the window that even I am declaring toxic. And who knows me knows that that is meaning something...)

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 22:33
von Tarvoc
El Sjaako hat geschrieben:To be honest, it's not a big deal. I'll just have to limit my consumption of köstliches Deutsche Bier.
For years I was convinced I disliked any beer no matter what, but that's because I only knew German beer. Only a few months ago, I realized how much I like Danish beer. True story.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 7. Dezember 2013, 07:30
von LordCaramac
The Reichsminister für die Verbreitung der Wahrheyt (I'm too lazy to translate this) might have a place to crash, if you don't mind a sleeping bag on the floor.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 7. Dezember 2013, 08:23
von Tarvoc
LordCaramac hat geschrieben:I'm too lazy to translate this.
Imperial Minister for the Dissemination of Tryuth.

By the way, is he one of the ddR guys? Will they be there today, too?