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Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 12:29
von PlacidDingo

iI will look like this but colder. black coat white shoes.

alternatively if you'sd rather wait to the 7th iI can use the 6th to visit Amsterdanm. iI am keen to meet you though if yiu dont mind it being the two of us.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 15:16
von Tarvoc
I don't know your plans but if you think it makes more sense for you to go to Amsterdam tomorrow, I'm okay with that. Just decide what works best for you. I'll definitely be in Cologne on the 7th, so we'll meet anyway even if it isn't tomorrow.

I'm not at home this evening, but I'll read your response either tonight or tomorrow morning, so I can adapt to your decision.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 15:45
von Bwana Honolulu
I will probably arrive in Cologne late on friday 6th around 11pm, so as long as nobody is up for a nightly meet-up I guess I will see you folks on saturday 7th. ;-)

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 16:29
von triple zero
The three little Dutchspags Ix, 000 and Sjaako are still very much lost without a place to stay in Cologne! (the night of saturday to sunday)

If anyone knows anything, that would be awesome!

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 16:38
von Tarvoc
Unfortunately, most of us don't live in Cologne ourselves. I live in Bonn, but my room is so small that I often wonder how I fit in there. :ugly: I also don't have any guest beds, not even a couch or sofa.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 17:01
von PlacidDingo
Tarvoc, I'll stick with the plan see you tomorrow, midday. I bought a warm stupid hat converted in coffee bag material so I'll have that on.

Bwana if you want I'm keen to meet for a late night coffee or other shenanigans. Of course, I see you on the 7th anyway.

Yeah.the thing I did not anticipate was that Cologne has crazy markets this weekend bringin Bazillions of people in from around the world. So, oops.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 17:38
von triple zero
are you saying that those bazillions of people from around the world are ... Cologne-ializing the city this weekend?

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 5. Dezember 2013, 22:52
von Cpt. Bucky Saia
My Spirit is on your side in "Kölle-fornia" ... :cry:

But i sent Bwana most of my Discordian Stuff.

Kurzum ich kann nun endgültig nicht kommen. Ich habe leider auch keine Schlafgelegenheit für euch obwohl ich mir den Kopf zermarter aber mir fällt nichts ein. In gedanken bin ich jedenfalls bei euch und ich hoffe ihr habt viel spaß.
Wenn sich kurzfristig noch was ergibt meld ich mich.

My english is terrible and my head is full of shit so thinking and writing in english is nearly impossible for me at the time. :hirnschnecke:

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 00:12
von Teapot
Oh, if you meet tomorrow about 12 am it will be defenetley too early for me, but I could join at 11 pm. And Saturday, of course.
@Netherlandspeople would this be an option for you to stay for that night? Black Sheep Hostel
A room with 5 beds would only cost 23 Euro xD (2 beds for 25 Euro). :cthulhu:

@Bucky: Schade!

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 6. Dezember 2013, 00:15
von Bwana Honolulu
I will try to translate:
Cpt. Bucky Saia hat geschrieben:In short, I'm finally unable to join you now. Unfortunately I have don't have a sleeping accommodation for you either, even though I rack my head, but nothing comes to mind. I am with you in my thoughts and I hope you have a lot of fun.
If any opportunities arise in the short term, I'll be writing.
Teapot hat geschrieben:I could join at 11 pm.