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Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 29. November 2013, 00:38
von LordCaramac
Cologne sounds nice, since I live there. :D

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 30. November 2013, 12:09
von PlacidDingo
Tarvok I aminterested for the 6th but right now want to focus on the meet;

can anyone reccomend a place. a midday meet would suit me best but iI am flexable.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 30. November 2013, 13:21
von Tarvoc
Why not in front of the Cologne Cathedral ("Kölner Dom")? That's where Aktion 23 met the last times. We could then go to a number of different locations from there.

Unfortunately, my knowledge of Cologne is rather limited. I'm not in Cologne very often, and only know very few places.

Will anyone else be there on 6th?

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 30. November 2013, 15:14
von LordCaramac
I'm always here. Now let me think of a few nice places to go..

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 30. November 2013, 15:58
von Bwana Honolulu
OK, OK... bad news: Brati doesn't have any spare time on the 7th, he's totally occupied at the moment. But (at least before 5pm) we should be able to reach him via phone, and I got his number. So if we need to squeeze any information out of him... ^^

And yep, meeting in front of the Cologne Cathedral/Kölner Dom would be perfect. I have to work on the 6th so I could only be there in the evening, but on the 7th I'm totally free. :schumi:

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 1. Dezember 2013, 16:27
von PlacidDingo
cologne cathedral, midday til later, Dec 7. great!

in Berlin now, then going to Kasserslauter 3rd.

phone is 866372524

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 2. Dezember 2013, 14:42
von Bwana Honolulu

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 2. Dezember 2013, 16:06
von Tarvoc
So, Friday 6th and Saturday 7th, Cologne Cathedral. At what time?

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 3. Dezember 2013, 15:29
von Ixxie
Hey Spags,

I'm one of the guys from the Nether Metadox Temple and the Wiener Wurst Kabal of the Fractal Cult (the Dutch subcabal of the #discord IRC channel on I really liked some of the Aktion23 stuff I have seen - verdammt geil! I might try and hitch a ride with El Sjaako to join the meeting in Köln, but I would need a place to crash; is this possible?

Aber Wurst - if its not possible, we will arrange something else or other, or not.


Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 3. Dezember 2013, 19:31
von PlacidDingo
As far as the 6th; meet up about same time same place and go somewhere interesting? Print and spread posters? Play sink?

I'll come to the cathedral for that time anyway, anyone interested can come along, and it will just be more chilled with no interviews (unless you want one). I think that might be best, but as always I am your humble servent.

Also there's a chance Rev. Schneider (Brazil spag) might come along