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Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 30. September 2013, 23:08
von Tarvoc
December 7 sounds cool.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 1. Oktober 2013, 12:20
von Apfelsator
Yeah because it's winter.


Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 1. Oktober 2013, 16:24
von Bwana Honolulu

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 2. Oktober 2013, 12:53
von Apfelsator

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 8. November 2013, 07:57
von Tarvoc
Is December 7 still up to date?

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 12. November 2013, 11:14
von PlacidDingo
OK, December 7 is probably good.

This may be the way to go: I'm looking at making this an all weekend Discordian-a-thon. On the 7th I (and possibly some of the Dutch spags from the Nether Metadox Temple of the Fractal Cult) can meet in Cologne. Then on the 8th I will meet the Nether Metadox Temple of the Fractal Cult (and some of you folk can come along if you like) up in Ultrecht.

Now, if December 7 works as a date depends on if putting the 2 dates next to each other is good or if it will discourage people who want to meet with the other cabals from attending. IF it's going to discourage folk from coming along I might need to check in with you about changing the dates.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 13. November 2013, 09:53
von Bwana Honolulu
Well, with me, that's all fine.
So you could probably meet quite a bunch of people all at once since I hope some of the folks from the ddR (deutsches diskordisches Reich) will show up, too. ^^

Oh, and I should try contacting Bratislav (founder of Aktion 23) again. :shock:

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 13. November 2013, 20:04
von Tarvoc
Bwana Honolulu hat geschrieben:Oh, and I should try contacting Bratislav (founder of Aktion 23) again. :shock:
That would be awesome!

I'll definitely be in Colone. Not sure yet if I can come to Ultrecht as well, but probably not.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 19. November 2013, 00:17
von PlacidDingo
OK, travel plans are working but getting crazy.

I was plain in to arrive on the 30th. Now from the looks of new opportunities coming up I will probably remain in Poland until the first. I would like to stop on Berlin for a night for two before arriving in Cologne.

What I want to check here, is who would like to meet up one on one or for some kind of Erisian madness before the 7th. Keeping in mind that later is better, what dates? As always, I will see what works for you and build around it, but of course keep in mind that I'm shifting things a little and closer to the 7th has better chance of success.

Re: Chasing Eris: Wir Diskordier müssen auseinanderhalten

Verfasst: 19. November 2013, 05:14
von Tarvoc
PlacidDingo hat geschrieben:What I want to check here, is who would like to meet up one on one or for some kind of Erisian madness before the 7th. Keeping in mind that later is better, what dates?
Interesting. Maybe the 6th, that would be good. I don't have any seminars on Fridays this semester, so if it is in or near Cologne, I could probably come. What exactly do you have in mind?