Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von Badly Beastingham
7. Februar 2012, 15:47
Forum: Chaos Magick
Thema: Music is the only Drug!
Antworten: 108
Zugriffe: 9370

Re: Music is the only Drug!

Sometimes happens to me as well. And hey , I'm the goddamn Batman %D Admin of this place , so... where are the fucking pills for my mental stability? :pille: Try these. http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/ChuckFukmuk/Ups%20and%20Downs%201/thpills0ra8.gif http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx12...
von Badly Beastingham
5. Februar 2012, 05:58
Forum: Chaos Magick
Thema: Music is the only Drug!
Antworten: 108
Zugriffe: 9370

Re: Music is the only Drug!

Been away for a while but I'm back now, (To be honest, I forgot all about this place until I retrieved a bunch of bookmarks from an old hard drive) thought you might like this. It's not really music, but it's different.
von Badly Beastingham
8. Februar 2011, 20:37
Forum: Chaos Magick
Thema: Music is the only Drug!
Antworten: 108
Zugriffe: 9370

Re: Music is the only Drug!

Have been following this thread, (badly translated) with much amusement. If there was a binaural tone that induced a hallucinogenic state in the listener, surely Hawkwind would have incorporated it into their entire 40+ years worth of music? In my experience, to fully appreciate the finer points of ...