Meeting for the Internation Forums

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:D :) ;) ^^ ;P ;-D :( :o :shock: :eeek: :? 8-) :lol: :rofl: :x :P :XP: :pah: :oops: :cry: :z :-/ :doh: -.- -_- :evil: :twisted: :roll: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :biggergrin: XD :ugly: :geek: :ugeek: :dudu: :frust: :skeptisch: :wat: :meise: :fu: :kopfkratz: :para: :pyra: :apple: :chao: :cthulhu: :fsm: :bet: :pill: :schluck: :kiffklo: :papst: :ehrerbietung: :victory: :kotz: :bravkotz: :yeah: :daumenhoch: :joint: :garstig: :uglybanana: :duden: :keks: :popel: :hammer: :weihrauch: :panik: :ak47: :atomrofl: :hirnschnecke: \m/ :kettensäge: :chaos: :drum: :strauch: :blau: :alk: :elefant: :vader: :facepicard: :facepalm: :borg: :aufgeb: :flammenwerfer: :grill: :onfire: :nyancat: :granate: :koks: :kommie: :rede: :rot: :meditation: :peace: :pille: :sm: :räusper: :uglyevil: :uglykaffee: :sauer: :muahaha: :arsch: :hypnotoad: :knarre: :kippe: :koksen: :juhu: :bildverbrenn: :pulle: :voodoo: :voodoogrill: :WTF: :headbang: :sink: :rasur: :winke: :ehre: :kp: :zombiekeule: :idee: :zombiepanik: :zombieschlurf: :fressehalten: :grab: :aufsmaul: :drevil: :zombiekostüm: :hehehe: :zombie: :zombierückkehr: :zombieschleich: :zombieklo: :lolol: :uglyrock: :kthxbye: :balla: :dito: :trinken: :GN8: :pfeif: :punkguitar: :motz: :drölf: :urlaub: :band: :grammarnazi: :uglol: :popcorn: :irc: :kombiniere: >_O :roulette:
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Die letzten Beiträge des Themas

Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: Meeting for the Internation Forums

Re: Meeting for the Internation Forums

von Bwana Honolulu » 20. Januar 2014, 09:31

:kp: I missed the meeting somehow, I was too busy and just didn't notice the time. :kp:

Re: Meeting for the Internation Forums

von PlacidDingo » 18. Januar 2014, 06:02

My internet is suddenly testicles so I am dropping down to a 'possible' attendence.'

Re: Meeting for the Internation Forums

von Bwana Honolulu » 4. Januar 2014, 23:26

I will try to get there on time - but I don't think that's possible due to an earlier appointment. I asked adleritey to join the discussion, though.

EDIT: [url=ircs://]Here's a direct link to the channel[/url], and this is a MiBBiT chat interface for it.

Meeting for the Internation Forums

von Ixxie » 4. Januar 2014, 22:33


Tomorrow - Sunday, 05/01/14 at 18:00 GMT+1 we will have a meeting on #auriferia on (IRC) for discussing new joint international forums for discussing Discordianism and Chaos Magic, as well as Other Stuff.

It would take the wiki and merge it with a combined login system with a forum.

All are welcome!

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